Easy Tattoo Tutorial

Dec 26, 2007 15:42

Happy Holidays everyone! I hope you all had a merry Christmas.

Today, I have a present for ya. This tutorial will show you how to give someone a tattoo. Like so.

This tutorial is being done in PSP 9, but I’m sure it can be translated to other programs.

Start with a picture in which your “subject” is showing plenty of skin. I’m using this pic of Jared Padalecki.

Now, find your "tattoos." You can use any kind of clipart for your tattoos. You can find clipart by typing "clipart" and "unicorn" (or whatever type of image you want to use) into Google, or whatever search engine you like.

You can also go to an actual tattoo art site and find plenty of options.

Whatever art you use, make sure it has a white background.

Dragons make cool tattoos, so I'm going with this one.

Paste the dragon on your image as a new layer.

Then lower the opacity of the tattoo layer, and use your deform tool
to resize and position the tattoo.

I positioned the tattoo this way to indicate it sort of wraps around his arm.

Now change the blend mode of the dragon layer to "Multiply", and lower the opacity to about 70. Experiment. The opacity can be higher or lower, depending on what you think looks most realistic.

Use the erase tool to clean up any overlap and you're tattoo is complete.

Here are a few more examples. You can make a tattoo that's small and subtle

Or big and bold

Well, that's it. I hope the tut was easy to follow. If anybody gives this a try, I'd love to know how your tattoos came out.

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