Dita Von Teese - enhanced reds and greens.

May 19, 2008 20:15


made in ps cs3, involves selective colour (sorry!)
includes the PSD

Take your base:

I really liked the greens and reds in these images of Ms Von Teese, so I decided to make a colouring which enhances that.

//Step 1
Hue & Saturation layer..
Master Sat + 19
Or whatever suits your image.

//Step 2
New fill layer of #ff0600 set to Lighten 44%

//Step 3
Duplicated the base on top and set to luminosity

//Step 4
New selective colour layer
-26, 0, 0, 0
-44, 0, -9, 0
+67, -2, -1, 0

//Step 5
New curves layer:
RED: input: 45, output: 52
another point: input: 199, output: 142

//Step 6
New fill layer #2c0a09 set to Exclusion

//Step 7
New fill layer #ddd7ce set to Colour Burn

//Step 8
Duplicate the base on top, desaturate and set to luminosity.


and here's the .PSD

program: photoshop

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