PSP7 Coloring Tutorials
-I know there aren't that many PSP7 tutorials out there anymore so here are two simple ones. I love PSP7 and it works better on lower quality bases than PS, so I'm showing some love. Hehe.
-Tutorial #1 can be done is so many ways! I'll only share two of them because the others are done by playing around with layers and opacity to get different results. There's not a perfect formula, but I will give you the one that worked for me in most bases. :)
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Get your cap or picture and crop it.
Here's my Adrianne Palicki Base:
01. Curves layer
Input: 92
Output: 172
Set this at 75 opacity. You can play around with this depending on how dark/light your base is.
02. 5 Color Layers
#7C8D07 - Burn at 100
#7C8D07 - Burn at 55 opacity (Result A) / Soft Light at 26 (Result B)
#EDC7F5 - Luminance at 28
#F969B0 - Luminance at 23
#F1DDF7 - Hard Light at 95 (Result A) / Hard Light 78 (Result B)
03. Duplicate your base twice
Dupe Layer 1:
Color (Result A) at 100
Saturation (Result B) at 100
Dupe Layer 2:
Burn (Result A) at 92
Burn (Result B) at 80
04. Color Balance layer
Shadows: -58, 26, 24,
Midtones: -12, 0, 27
Set this to Color at 100.
That's it. :)
Result A:
Result B:
Play around with this color, it can be altered a million ways for different bases. I love changing opacities and maybe duplicating the Curves layer.
*examples [with bases]*
Tutorial for this in my journal :)