PS7/Selective Color/PSD
My Gossip Girl Base:
Step 01. Curves:
RBG: 53, 168; Opacity 60
Duplicate, set it to 40
Step 02. Textures:
a. Hard Light at 34
b. Color Dodge at 28
c. Luminosity at 38 (edited: this layer is optional, without it, the result looks quite pretty too.)
Step. 03 Duplicate your base:
Set to Overlay at 100
If needed, duplicate again and set it somewhere along 30-100. Drag both duplicated layers to the top.
Step 04. Saturation Layer:
Master Saturation: 23
Step 05. 2 Selective Color Layers:
SC Layer A:
reds: -27, +15, +60, 0
neutrals: +47, 0, -37, 0
SC Layer B:
reds: -49, +15, +60, 0
yellows: -100, -59, +100, 0
greens: -4, 0, 0, 0
blues: 0, +100, 0, 0
whites: 0, 0, 0, +100
neutrals: +47, 0, -37, 0
Step 06. Saturation Color:
Master Saturation: anywhere from 40-90.
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