Using Photoshop CS, using Selective Coloring and playing around!
I recommend using a light picture without too stark contrasts for this, but with some tweaking beforehand, it should work with most pictures.
My picture is
this. It's light, none too strong contrast, and I like staring at Jared's face for a long time.
1. Hue/Saturation >
Saturation +30
2. Selective Color >
Reds: -100, 0, +100, 0
Yellows: +100, 0, -100, 0
Neutral: +10, -10, 0, -33
3. Brigthness/Contrast >
Brightness -19
Contrast +10
> Opacity 40%
4. Selective Color >
Reds: -100, 0, +100, 0
Yellow: 0, 0, -100, 0
Neutrals: +34, 0, -39, 0
5. Color Balance >
-100, -25, -29
>Opacity 50%
Depending on your image: if it lacks in contrast, duplicate your base and drag it on top, set to Soft Light, play with the opacity; if it's too light/dark, duplicate either the base or whole, drag to top and set to multiply/screen at a low opacity.
Tadah, here we go: