(no subject)

Aug 06, 2008 19:32


Made in Photoshop CS3
Involves: Curves, Selective Coloring, Channel Mixer, Color Balance
Difficulty: Intermediate
Translatable: No

01. Prepare your base however you like. (e.g. Sharpen, crop, etc.)

02. Duplicate your base and set it to Screen. Lower the opacity if needed. I put mine at 32%.

03. Make a Selective Coloring Layer. (Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Selective Coloring)

REDS: -57, -15, +36, +8
YELLOWS: -38, +100, +100, +20
MAGENTAS: -100, -100, -100, -100
NEUTRALS: +39, -11, -13, 0

03. Now we're going to bring out some reds in the icon. Make a new Channel Mixer. (Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Channel Mixer)
RED: +121, 0, -13
BLUE: +8, 0, +89

04. Create a Brightness/Contrast Layer. (Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Brightness/Contrast)


05. Let's balance out the the cyans with a Curves Layer. (Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Curves)
First Point --- Input = 142, Output = 131
Second Point --- Input = 195, Output = 172

06. Create a Photo Filter Layer. (Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Photo Filter)

Go down the dropbox and select Warming Filter (81).
Also check "Preserve Luminosity" if it is not checked.
Don't touch anything else.

07. Now add a Hue/Saturation Layer to bring out the colors.


08. Make a Color Balance Layer. (Layer>New Adjustment Layer>Color Balance)
We're going to get rid of some those yellows.
MIDTONES: -13, -9, -3
HIGHLIGHTS: +17, +10, +18

Make sure the "Preserve Luminosity" unchecked

09. Lastly, make the final Selective Coloring Layer.
YELLOWS: -25, 0, +19, +8
NEUTRALS: +16, +2, +7, 0

ANDDDD~ That's it!

Other results:

I prefer comments to be made here.
.psd is also located HERE at my community.

program: photoshop, colouring: colour balance, colouring: channel mixer, colouring: selective colouring, tutorial: colouring

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