So this is my first tutorial, ever. So if it's kind of off, that's why, lol.
Go from
this to
+ Get your icon ready, I usually work with the image before cropping it, but it'll work either way.
+ Go to Layer >> New Adjustment Layer >> Color Balance : Midtones : +40 0 -69
+ Next go to Layer >> New Adjustment Layer >> Curves:
RBG: 138 54
+ Next there's going to be another Curves layer so go to Layer >> New Adjustment Layer >> Curves:
RBG: 55 68
Red: 43 27
Blue: 46 74
167 176
+ Next go to Layer >> New Adjustment Layer >> Selective Color:
Red: -100 +100 +100 +100
Neutrals: 0 0 0 +32
+ Next go to Layer >> New Adjustment Layer >> Brightness/Contrast : -7//-21
+ Make a new Fill layer, fill with 2A2A2A, set to color dodge 100%
+ Flatten and Sharpen your image. I like my icons sharp, so i have mine at 74% strength:
+ If you don't like using textures, you're done!
+ I then added
this texture and set it to Lighten and set the opacity at 36% and the Fill at 80%
+ Finally I added
this texture and set it to Lighten.
You're done!
You're going to have to play around with the coloring on certain pictures, good luck. If you'd like a .PSD, just ask and I'll send you a link