this and
this to
Other options
made in: photoshop 6
difficulty: medium
steps: 12
psd?: YES! under the cut
Well start out with whatever base you want... i used a blend from two regina spektor pictures [they are up above in links]
you can use whatever you want... and it doesn't have to be a banner, you can also make an icon!
1. IF YOUR PICTURE DOESN'T ALREADY HAVE A POLAROID ON IT put this on top of your image and set to SCREEN 100%
2. MERGE VISIBLE, and you should have one layer with a picture on a polaroid.
3. DUPLICATE YOUR BASE TWICE. Set the first copy to SCREEN 50%, and the second to SOFTLIGHT 100%
4. Make a new SELECTIVE COLORING LAYER with these settings:
REDS: -100, -26, 41, 18
YELLOWS:-45, 13, -39, -3
NEUTRALS: 6, -8, -5, 12
BLACKS: 15, 10, -13, -5
5. Make a new CURVES LAYER with these settings:
1st: input:68 output:77
2nd: input:187 output:170
1st: input:36 output:43
2nd: input:140 output:153
1st: input:64 output:65
2nd: input:118 output:118
3rd: input:178 output:187
1st: input:58 output:59
2nd: input:129 output:120
3rd: input:173 output:178
6. Make a new COLOR FILL LAYER with the color 441D0D and set to EXCLUSION 60%
7. Make a new COLOR FILL LAYER with the color A19E8C and set to SOFLIGHT 75%
8. Make a new COLOR FILL LAYER with the color E9C9AD and set to MULTIPLY 40%
9. Take this texture
[from icon_textures maybe] and set to LIGHTEN 25%
10. Take this texture
[from icon textures maybe], & set to SCREEN 100%
[you might need to erase some of this if the image is too cloudy... or lower the opacity]
11. Take this texture
[from ?] and set to DIFFERENCE 100%
12. Take this texture
[from deviant art] and set to DARKEN 100%
[when i did this... i erased the darker orange rectangular strip... you can do that too if you prefer!]
THAT'S ALL!!! If you have ANY questions feel free to ask!
Oh, and
HERE is the psd file!