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How to go from
in Photoshop. Uses Selective Coloring, so probably not translatable.
1. Same as always, get your base ready! I used some
Vampire Knight art and cropped it like this since the text was disturbing. With some images you have to be creative, I tell you. xD
2. When I made the last icon batch I was terribly in love with gray exclusion layers, so of course Aidou shall have one as well! Create a new fill layer with #2D2A2A on Exclusion, 45%.
3. Gosh, how I adore this effect. And as usual, a Soft Light, 100% duplicate of your base should follow to clear it up:
4. Way better! But let's draw out the colors some more: make a Hue/Saturation... adj. layer and set the master saturation to 30.
5. With this nice image preparation we can now play around with the colors. Together with the gray exclusion layers, I also had (and still have xD) a liking for turning images more blue and green, and that's what I did here. Make a Selective Color... adj. layer and put in these settings:
Reds: -100 15 14 100
Cyans: 100 0 -100 0
Blues: 30 0 0 0
Neutrals: 68 5 4 -29
Duplicate that layer, but change the opacity from the second one to 50%. On this duplicate I erased some parts that were too blue (mainly his face) by drawing with a black brush over them while the layer was selected in the layer menu.
6. Isn't it like night and day? For some nice light effects I used this
light texture by
gravira on Screen, 100% and moved it around.
7. Until now everything was centered around the blueish colors, so I decided to put emphasis on the orange. Also, we still need more contrast. Take
this texture by
fallingconfetti and set it to Color Burn, 32%.
8. Contrast can change the image so much. :D However, I wasn't satisfied yet with Aidou's face and took
this one (by ?) on Screen, 100% and rotated it 180° for more brightness.
9. I can almost see the finish line, but first we have to fix the middle of the icon (it's really not that pretty where the two images clash on each other). No need to worry though! Take
this texture by
threeeyespei, rotate it 90° CCW and set it to Multiply, 100%. I also pulled a trick I usually do when the texture I want to use doesn't fit well enough: I simply went to Edit > Transform > Scale and scaled the texture until it looked good on the cropped Aidou.
10. For the finishing touch I made another Hue/Saturation... adj. layer and moved the master saturation up to 10. Add some text if you want and that's it!
Questions? Just ask! :D
Other examples:
Be creative and experiment however you want, and I'd love to see your results! I'm curious what you come up with. :D
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