in 15 steps. i used photoshop 6 but it'll work just fine in later versions; not translatable to other programs due to selective coloring!
oh my god i'm on such a who kick lately... xD
1. Fix up your image...I like to use the filter>sharpen>unsharp mask tool, set to 50% (amount), 1 (radius), 0 (threshold), but with different versions of photoshop and whatnot it could vary.
2. Copy your base and set it to screen at about 75%...want it to be nice and bright!
3. Layers>new adjustment later>hue/saturation. I set the saturation to's pretty subtle, but it makes a difference in the end.
4. Make a new layer and fill it with #010D45. Set to exclusion, 100%
5. Another hue/saturation layer here, set the saturation to +22!
6. Add a new layer, fill it with #F9D5BD and set on soft light, 100%.
7. Another fill layer, this time with #CA1F1F. Set it to soft light, 35%.
8. Another fill layer, with #0656CE. Set it around soft light 35% as well.
9. Another! Fill with #A9F5D9 and set to soft light, 19%.
10. One last fill layer! Fill with #01061B, set at exclusion 100%.
11. And now for selective coloring! (Layers>new adjustment layer/selective coloring. Set it as follows:
reds: -65 18 47 16
yellows: 0 0 27 8
cyans: 100 0 0 100
whites: 100 0 0 -26
neutrals: 54 10 13 0
EDIT: omg! i totally didn't notice (that's what i get for doing tutorials a day after i make an icon xD) but i set this layer at normal, 38% opacity!
12. Another selective color layer, set like this:
reds: -60 24 25 19
yellows: 0 13 27 0
neutrals: 47 7 17 0
13. Another adjustment layer - layers>new adjustment layer>brightness/contrast.
brightness +11
contrast +6
14. And the last adjustment layer! Hue/saturation again, set the saturation to +18.
15. Added the following gradient...good old-fashioned gradient tool with a couple pretty colors picked out. Set to screen at 100%.
And there you have it, all done! You can add text at your leisure; I haven't yet but yeah. Enjoy! And if you use it, post results, I'd love to see! ♥