Hogwarts Houses

Sep 12, 2004 20:40

time to show your House Colors people. I have 3 sets (so 12 icons total) i really hope these look okay, i'm really tired right now so they may not be completely up to par. tell me what you think, though. (it may end up being i work better when on the verge of sleep, lol)

Hogwarts Houses: Ties, Hands, and Moons








-for the Hands set, the image is of James Marsters as Spike from the Angel Season 5 photo set. Just thought I'd let you know, lol.

-for the majority of the small print seen above I used the font Kartika, which you can get at DaFont




-save to own server


it has come to my attention that I'm an idiot. icon 1a is spelled wrong. thus, I was forced to make another. here ya guys go:

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