to alter a section's color, either use the magic wand to select it (that's what i used with the eye) or use the freeform lasso to select the area. then go to Images => Adjustments. there you can choose either Color Balance or Curves. Curves will enable you to alter the light/darkness as well as make a specific color predominate. while color balance will let you alter the colors in the shadow, highlight, and midtones. (in the above icons i used color balance)
this is the way i do it. though there might be easier ways to go about it, this works for me. ^_^
neat ^^ Thank you for the info! I was trying to do that with one of Brendon gleesons eyes (see my icons in my post) but i couldnt get it to work so i jsut made them all dark instead. hahah.
no prob. ^_^ took me forever to figure it out myself. probably would of been smarter to do like you and actually ask someone. lol. but i'm too stubborn. >_< hehe
Comments 6
<3 yellow!
Do you use photoshop? And Might I enquire as to how I stain a part of a picture? (like an eye!)
to alter a section's color, either use the magic wand to select it (that's what i used with the eye) or use the freeform lasso to select the area. then go to Images => Adjustments. there you can choose either Color Balance or Curves. Curves will enable you to alter the light/darkness as well as make a specific color predominate. while color balance will let you alter the colors in the shadow, highlight, and midtones. (in the above icons i used color balance)
this is the way i do it. though there might be easier ways to go about it, this works for me. ^_^
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