patterns into textures

Feb 09, 2006 10:11

Someone wrote to me asking if they could use my tiling patterns to make texture sets, so I thought I'd address that here.

My stance with the resources I've created has been that anyone using them could edit them to their heart's content, and to make new things with them - new brushes and new textures.

I do wish they be something new and different, and not just my work repackaged in a new color or with a border. That does seem lazy and a lot like plagiarism of my idea.

But, honestly, what you do with these things after you've downloaded is between you and your graphics program, and I'd rather not spend my day on line chasing down thieves.

So my official stance on the tiling patterns is this: Make something new and it's all good. As long as you aren't offering 100x100 squares of simply the same pattern as I've created, I'm completely okay with it.

Go nuts. Be creative.

Make something new.

And back to the salt mines with me. Enjoy your day.
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