bleach and blinded.

Mar 13, 2006 11:38

life is busy ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

ohmanpompom March 13 2006, 20:28:05 UTC
It's the same with acting...and I really miss it. There's a definite difference between people cheering and applauding sincerely and applauding because they feel obligated to - it's a big high when you realize your work has paid off. It's not really something you ever get used to, either.

Realistically, who's harder to impress than 15 year-old scene kids? The answer is nobody. Sorry I missed the show! Tara and I couldn't pass up cheap tickets to the waterpark :P

On a side note, I'm going to try to get a band together and have some stuff ready by July or so...we should play a show together.


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