Frequently Asked Questions

Apr 29, 2011 13:34

This is our post of Frequently Asked Questions. Below, we have listed some common questions and concerns we believe members might have.

If your question or concern isn't mentioned, don't hesitate to leave us a comment. Comments are screened for your privacy.

What is icons_concrit?
icons_concrit is a community where icon makers can receive constructive criticism on their work and where they in turn can help other icon makers by giving them constructive criticism.

Why icons_concrit?
Because we believe that constructive criticism is an important tool in improving as an icon maker. We love the icon concrit memes that are sometimes hosted, and we wanted to create a place where we can go for concrit all the time.

I want feedback on some of my icons. What do I do?
You participate in one of our Icon Concrit posts. We run both anonymous and named concrit posts. You comment on the most recent post of your choice with 1-3 of the icons you want constructive criticism on and people will respond to that comment. Remember that if you post icons for concrit, you need to give concrit to at least two other participants in that post. That way, we play fair and everybody gets attention.

Why do I have to give concrit to other people when I want get feedback on my own icons?
Because we believe in passing it on and only taking but not giving is never a nice way to go. We want people to be involved with each other's work as well as their own.

I don't know how to give constructive criticism. What do I do?
Don't worry, we understand that giving good concrit is difficult. That is why we have the Keep It Simple guide, in which we explain what we think good concrit is and what it isn't. There are lots of written and visual examples to get you started.

I've read the Keep It Simple guide and I want to give concrit. But I have trouble finding the right words, can you help me?
Yes, we can. We run a Concrit Beta Service here.

I've read the Keep It Simple guide and I would like to see something added. Is that possible?
Yes, it is. We don't pretend to know everything and we are open to concrit. ;) We appreciate your input very much, so leave us a comment at the Keep It Simple guide post and we'll discuss it.

Someone has left me a very harsh piece of concrit. What should I do?
First of all, be honest with yourself. Is is the feedback you find tough or the way they said it? Putting your icons up for concrit requires the guts to take criticism, so you may hear something you don't like. However, a concritic should be as objective as possible and constructive. If you honestly think the person who left you concrit was rude, contact the moderator of the post the comment was left at.

I feel like some people are only giving positive concrit to their friends and are far more negative about my icons.
The moderators do their best to make sure that everyone who participates here plays fairly. However, we are not the police and in most cases, people are free to comment on the icons of whoever they want. But if you have a genuine concern, contact the moderator of the post you have a concern about.

I have an idea for this community, who do I talk to?
You talk to the moderators. You can send us a PM or just leave a comment to this post.

I want to affiliate with icons_concrit, where do I go?
You can go here to request affiliation with icons_concrit.

!admin: faq

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