Today we're going from
in PSP X.
-8 steps
-Uses color balance, curves, saturation, & fill layers.
-Fairly easy :)
1. Crop your base, resize, sharpen, whatever you usually do for your icons. In this case, I added and unsharp mask and then softened her skin and the background a bit to make her stand out more.
2. Duplicate your base and set it to screen with an opacity of 65.
3. Make a new soft light layer with an opacity of 60 and fill it with an orange color. I used #fe7e18.
4. Make a new color balance layer with the following settings:
Midtones; -42, 0, 30
Shadows; -30, 10, -10
5. Make a new saturation layer with the following settings;
Reds; 20
Cyans; 20
Blues; 20
6. Make a new darken layer and set the opacity to 30. Fill it with #c2f4d8.
7. Make a new curves layer with the following settings:
Point One
I: 95; O: 108
Point Two
I: 150; O: 144
8. Make a new saturation layer with the following settings:
Master: 20
Other icons made with this tutorial: