I decided tonight to start a project of making LJ icons for each of the section headings (ie. smaller than a chapter but larger than a verse) in the new testament to help me learn which stories are where in the bible and what the different miracles of Jesus were and so on and so forth. I have to say I was rather pleasantly surprised with how neat the first set turned out. After the first two chapters of Matthew I'm all amped up and excited about continuing this project...plus, it'll be like a neat little "at a glance" reference guide as I get further along... :)
Genealogy of Jesus (1:1-17)
14 generations each between: abraham, david, exile to babylon, jesus
The Birth of Jesus (1:18-25)
Joseph has a dream that Mary was bearing a child of the holy spirit and should name him Jesus
The Visit of the Magi (2:1-12)
Herod finds out jesus was born at the same time as the star appeared and sent the Magi to find Jesus, and they come bearing gold, inscence, and myrrh but do not return to Herod.
The Escape to Egypt (2:13-18)
Joseph has a dream they should flee to Egypt so that Jesus is not killed with the babies of Bethlehem fullfilling the prophesy "out of Egypt I called my son"
The Return to Nazareth (2:19-23)
Joseph has another dream that Herod was dead and they should return to Israel, where they settled in Nazareth rather than Judea to be far from Herod's replacement
PS. I promise I'll post some of the other non-bible sets I've been working on soon as well (Vintage Ads, Acrylic paintings, stained glass)