Just a little rundown of some of Hitsugaya's interactions in Siren's Port. He may think you're okay, that you're annoying, or he might even outright hate you. A work in progress, as always, but let's get it started, shall we?
kazumaking (Summer Wars) Kazuma is probably the first friend Hitsugaya made in Siren's Port. In some ways, they're almost kindred spirits. They're so alike at times that Hitsugya is honestly impressed that they get along so well; normally, he butts heads with people too similar to himself. Hitsugaya has come to regard him as something of a little brother, someone to look out for. And if anything happens to Kazuma, Hitsugaya can and does get very angry. And he will want to do something about it.
of_frell (Ella, Enchanted) He first talked to her because she seemed down and he has a soft spot for sad girls. Ella treated him with respect right off the bat, something remarkably few people do. And because he could find no complaint in speaking to her, he started to do it often. He appreciates how she is willing to go out and do things despite being socialized to sit back and look pretty. Over time, he has come to regard her as a sister, and is extremely protective of her. Especially now that he knows about her obedience curse.
thelittlestbub (Marvel Comics) Hitsugaya doesn't particularly care for her. She's brash, dismissive, and tends to be pretty annoying. On the other hand, she's genuinely well-meaning and tries to be helpful. He can't say that he hates her, but he doesn't go out of his way to speak with her unless she brings up a topic relevant to his interests. Most of the time, he just finds interacting with her to be stressful in some form.
acemedium (Ace Attorney) She's hyper. She's happy. She's off-the-wall. She's . . . a great big reminder of Hinamori. It's in the immunity to his attitude, the strange logic she spouts off, the way she casts her eyes down and fidgets when she's unhappy. Sometimes, Maya reminds him so much of Hinamori that it hurts. Needless to say, he's taken on a very protective attitude toward her, and she's one of the few people in the Port who can drag him out to be social. He just doesn't want to see her upset.
1800deadguy (Ghost Trick) It's a shinigami's job to aid dead souls, and that's exactly what Sissel is -- he just happens to be an extremely amesiac one who understands very little about the world. Hitsugaya patiently tries to explain things to him, because he feels it's part of his job. He finds it tiresome to have to explain things like the concept of fiction to Sissel, and difficult to maintain that patience of his when he has to explain basic concepts in minute detail. Sometimes, he feels like he's talking to a three-year-old. Nevertheless, Sissel's laid-back nature makes it easier for Hitsugaya to stay on an even keel about it.
snakeconstrict (Bakemonogatari) Hitsugaya doesn't know her extremely well, but she's Kazuma's roommate and girlfriend. A shy, far too accommodating girl. She seems to let herself get steamrolled into troublesome situations, and he'll get in the face of whoever it is that tries to do that to her. People just need to leave the poor girl alone. Honestly.
littlepwny (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) A talking pony. Why the hell does he know a talking pony? Oh. Right -- she's another one of Kazuma's friends. She's mischeivous and annoying, though after taking her in for her own good when her "light" was missing, Hitsugaya has warmed up to her somewhat. But only a bit. He knows he could still be the target of one of her pranks at any time.
soul_scatter (Bleach) Sharing a house with Byakuya has been surprisingly smooth, for the most part. Probably because their schedules are so different. There are disputes over petty things, of course, but not enough to make the living situation intolerable. Though he does have a few questions about Byakuya's sanity after hearing how he personifies the Wakame Ambassador. That damn thing is a statue. Not a person.
athermercy (Lucifer) He's honestly not quite sure what to make of Elaine. She's nice enough and all that, but for some reason she seems to know things about him that he tends not to tell anyone. And he's damn sure he's never told her. (Watermelon ice cream? What were the odds that she'd pick such an unusual flavour for him -- and evidently luck out by it being his favourite?) This aparrent knowledge confuses him and makes him wary, even though by all appearances she has nothing but good intentions. He's not suspicious of her motives. He'd just like to know what's going on.
ibreakrules (07-Ghost) If Hitsugaya were less mature, he'd punch Frau in the face. The man is so. Damn. Irritating. The arguments, the insinuations, the nickname -- no he is not "Frostbitty" damn it all! -- all just make him want to hit something. That being said, when Frau actually decides to be serious, he does have a brain, and Hitsugaya can see that. For all that he acts that way, Frau clearly isn't a total idiot. Of course, that still doesn't mean that Hitsugaya likes talking to him. Because he doesn't.
pushesupglasses (Kuroshitsuji) Finally. A grown-up. Hitsugaya respects William's maturity, work ethic, and efficient nature. They have similar values, and thus get on quite well. The only thing Hitsugaya really questions about him is why he's become involved with Grell. He just doesn't understand that one; William is usually more sensible than that. But that relationship is none of Hitsugaya's business, and thus he stays away from the issue.
deathknellgrell (Kuroshitsuji) Is there a more annoying person in Siren's Port? If there is, Hitsugaya doesn't want to meet them. Grell proceeded to drive him nuts from the very day of his arrival. Dealing with him is bad for Hitsugaya's blood pressure, so he tries to avoid doing that whenever possible. Which means that he doesn't touch Grell's NV posts. Though it makes it difficult to have conversations with William, with Grell having to throw his two cents in all the time. Grell is just . . . a loon. Hitsugaya hates engaging him.
itsatrep (Bleach) Hitsugaya's self-appointed personal troll from home. Stupid, vile, disgusting . . . those are all good words to describe what Hitsugaya thinks of him. Time was that Luppi would troll any NV post Hitsugaya made, but these antics have cut down quite a bit since their grudge match some months ago. The match where Hitsugaya proved that yes, he's still better than him. Frankly, he wishes Luppi would shut up for good, but he knows he can't reasonably expect it.
makes_asteroids (Marvel Comics) Michael was respectful to him right off the bat, which of course scores him points. The first time Hitsugaya met him in person, he had been rendered a good seventy years younger, but still maintained a very businesslike and professional demeanour. Overall, Hitsugaya doesn't have much of an opinion on him either way, but he has no problem with the man.
deadly_jump (Jumper) What an ass. Honestly, Ella deserves an award for being friends with this guy. A selfish, immature brat who can't even do the common courtesy of letting someone who cares about him know he's not dead. Oh. And he calls Hitsugaya stupid names that he doesn't understand. (What is pop culture? Really!) Honestly, he hopes Griffin has some redeeming qualities in there somewhere, because if he doesn't, Ella deserves better as a friend.
blondandperfect (Ella, Enchanted) He has nothing but contempt and hatred for this woman. The fact that she's lazy, shallow, and useless would have been enough to earn most of that pretty much on their own, but there's one issue that outshines them all: Hattie knows and abuses Ella's curse. Hitsugaya would be quite content to take Hattie out of the picture entirely, and the only thing that stays him is Ella's insistence that she doesn't want Hattie to be hurt. So instead, Hitsugaya resorts to small, petty trickery with his ice powers. He just can't completely stand back.