Name; Laura
dismentalityTimezone; EST
AIM/MSN; x Lost the Game
Character Name; Vexen [Formerly known as Even]
Series/Fandom; Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Technically, Vexen has no real 'personality' to speak of. He has no feelings or emotions- however, he has the memory of what it was like to feel. These memories left an impression on his current behavior.
On that note, for a man incapable of feeling anger, he has quite a short temper at times. Particularily on matters concerning his lab work. He gets easily impatient with those who interupt him without reason. As well, though he can act superior at times, he has many moments where, had he been able to feel fear, he would have clearly been afraid. In fact, he has a strong sense of *ahem* "self-preservation", preferring to keep himself safe and allow others to handle the direct danger.
As far as matters concerning rank are considered, he is always loathe to be ordered around by someone he considers inferior (as many would be). Pride is something easily attributed to him. He is generally more rash to act after accessing a situation, often making him the first to begin inquiries, but is rarely content to act on his own, often choosing to enlist the aid of others- moreso as a meat shield to study the effects of a situation on than anything else.
That doesn't go to say that he is a coward by any means, but as a scientist, he is more involved with the research aspects and coming up with the solutions, rather than being the one to enforce it. He will act on his own, however, if he is distrustful of the others on his side.
He is extremely intelligent and makes no effort to hide it. Most of what he says is accompanied by some feat of logic, and is often concluded by some cynical remark or another.
On a final note; He may put an almost 'loving' effort into the making and testing of his creations, but he feels no particular attachment to them. After all, what's been broken can always be replaced- and with added improvements.
Intelligence aside, he does possess a very unique ability- Vexen has control over ice. This isn't limited to ice that already exists, either. He can make it out of seemingly nothing, and manipulate it in any way. Ironically, it matches his chilly personality. /bad pun
He can also summon a large, blue shield, which he fights with. This shield also has some rather menacing spikes around the top, and seves the useful purpose of blocking most frontal attacks.
Obviously, one of his weaknesses would be that his shield doesn't do much, if anything, to protect his back. As well, his sometimes short temper and tendancy to act stubborn or get frustrated is a weakness.
He also has an aversion to heat (Or well, anything that can melt ice; Even water perhaps, if it cannot be frozen).
Once, Vexen went by the name of Even- a brilliant scientist with a thirst for experimentation and knowledge. It was this very thirst that drove him to study the darkness of people's hearts alongside the five other apprentices of Ansem the Wise in the Radiant Garden (Later known as Hollow Bastion). Even was the fourth of these apprentices.
Among these apprentices, there was one named Xehanort. When Ansem ended the experiments on the darkness, Xehanort kept them going in secret. Even, never being the type to turn a blind eye to the prospect of new knowledge, had little queries with working alongside him and the other four. They created beings known as Heartless, born of the hearts that became overwhelmed by darkness.
Unfortunately, one of the later experiments ended in failure- or rather, disaster. The six studying the heartless ended up losing their own hearts to darkness. They became Nobodies; Beings lacking hearts, and by extension, incapable of feelings or emotions, and unable to possess light OR darkness. In essence, they were nothing, yet they still existed.
Even became known as Vexen from then on, and was one of the six founding members of Organization XIII. Their new purpose was not to create heartless, but to study them in hopes of learning to obtain hearts of their own. Vexen produced many new experiments from then on before being assigned to their second base.
Since the time of the disaster, the Organization had grown. Six members was now thirteen, and it was the eleventh that was placed in charge of Castle Oblivion- the second base. Rarely the type to take orders from ones he considered inferior, it took much of his patience to tolerate Marluxia, and he held absolutely no trust for him. Eventually, he ended up working alongside Zexion and Lexaeus in hopes of bringing Marluxia's plans to a halt. It had become apparent that he intended to use the Keybearer to overthrow the Organization instead of using him as a puppet for the Organization.
In the proccess, he fought Riku and obtained the data he would need to create a replica. Using Naminé, he constructed a series of fake memories, ensuring that the replica Riku believed himself to be the original. It would be essential in testing the Keybearer's strength. Unbeknownst to him, however, his lack of attachment to it meant that he had gotten a bit careless. Naminé was manipulating the replica's memories.
It got to the point where he ignored his newest creation- being distracted by the usual tactics of Marluxia, whom had practically ordered him to defeat the Keybearer in repentance for his 'failure'.
He was forced to confront Sora in order to keep their plans in motion; That is, in order to stop Marluxia from reporting his failure with the Replica Riku to the Superior. It was suspicious enough that his orders would be to defeat the Keyblade wielder, knowing full well that he was essential to the eleventh member's plans- and as such, he concocted his own solution. That solution consisted of revealing Marluxia's true intent.
Though his exit from the tenth floor was less than graceful, the encounter on the eleventh went according to his plans. Wanting to reveal the secret of Roxas's existance, he gifted the Keybearer with a card, telling him to use it. This news soon travelled to the conpiring group of Nobodys, resulting in the inevitable- Vexen was branded a traitor, and Axel, needing to prove his 'trustworthyness' to Marluxia and Larxene, was ordered to eliminate him.
Though that was the case, Vexen did get close to achieving his goal. It was just as he was on the verge of revealing Marluxia's plan that Axel finally confronted him, managing to silence him just in time. It would have proved a killing blow, had he not found himself in new surroundings just moments before.
Third-person sample;
'Mindless idiots' was the first thing that surfaced in the Chilly Academic's thoughts the moment he stepped outside. All these questions to be solved, and none willing to cooperate. Rather than study, they would explore. He knew better than to expect much, and truthfully, it was easier working alone, but if they had no intention of assisting, they could at least stay out of his way.
The "cage" was the first matter he had an interest in. Particularily it's relevance to the city, and the components within it. It was clear that the cage was not something he would be able to move or take apart, causing significant difficulties for the future- but there would still be the limited options for the moment, at least.
Regardless, he would put his own curiousity on hold until he had a firmer grasp on the events surrounding the city itself. To draw them in like this should be impossible, yet somehow, it managed to happen. Was there also the possibility of it reversing the process and sending them back? Perhaps. Perhaps not.
Or the chances of it sending them to another world, different from their world of origin? For what was probably the first time, Vexen wasn't even sure where to begin. He was faced with questions that seemed to have no clear answer, situations without solutions, and from the looks of it, a beginning with no clear end for his benefit or exclusion.
In essense, it was almost like living in one of his own experiments; Perhaps one he was in the midst of analyzing. Hardly a thought he planned on dwelling on.
There was a certain irony involved, however. The scientist becomes his own experiment.
First-person sample;
Almost an experiment gone awry. If this environment is supposed to be organized, I would prefer to distance myself from suffering further confusion.
A name, at the least, would be useful. Surely one of you can manage that much, can't you?
It defies the most logical of concepts. However, since this bears no semblance to Oblivion, I can surmise that I've somehow found myself in an alternate dimension.
Yet no data on any of the worlds matches this description. Particularily on matters concerning geography.
Tall buildings are commonplace in most worlds, but normally more simple in structure. The technology surpasses even more own equipment. I should make note to examine it once the opportunity arises. Perhaps as an aid to future tests.
If I hadn't more important matters to attend to...