Fucker just came in and yelled at me. Grr i hate him so much. And it wasn't my fault! He yelled at me for talking on the phone too loud, well fuck! Kelsey called me to tell me she couldn't give me a ride to school tomorrow and i kinda had to answer it! It wasn't like i was screaming or anything. Damn. Plus he could've come in here and just told me to be quiet calmly. BUT NO, he comes in and screams his ass off for like 15 minutes...well fuck i was on the phone for a minute, plus i bet my talking didn't wake anyone up, but his fucking screaming definitely did. I HATE HIM AND I WISH HE WOULD DIE. No, not cuz he comes and yells at me randomly, i hate him cuz he's a useless exscuse for a person who has no life except to make everyone else miserable. He needs to fucking die...grrr i want to move out so bad :'( I wish it was legal to shoot someone if you had a good motive. Cuz i've fucking got one. Grrrrrrrrrrrr....why can't he keel over and die already? I sware, i'm not the only one that would be happier from it...and i doubt ANYONE would cry...my mom, HIS FUCKING WIFE, would be happier w/o him. He just makes her stressed and sad and pissed...grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. He makes everyone stressed and sad and pissed. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR :'( I sware, it just doesn't make sense...how can anyone be such a complete asshole? It seriously boggles my mind how anyone can be such a jerk...and be so oblivious to it too! Some people are seriously bad people, i don't get how they can be so heartless. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...i'm like shaking from it. grrr. He tried to take my phone away too, but i didn't let him...cuz brandon's supposed to call me back...better whisper, lol. Grrrr...i hate him. I could go off forever about how much i hate him. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...i don't just want him to die...i want him to suffer all the pain he's caused me...that's years of teary nights and bruised arms...years of loneliness and fear....years of screaming and pain...grrrrrrrrrr.............