today and until indefinetly, i am car-less. we sold both cars that i used to drive. commuting is fun though. escpecially late at night on a regular bus where you can stick your head out the window and have your eyeballs blown out of their sockets
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as much as i hate commercialism and anything that endorses it, i have to admit that i've always thought it would be cool to be in a TV ad, or print ad or whatever. something about my ego thinks it needs to be bigger or just broadcasted everywhere
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ever wonder why there's such a wide gap between the rich and the poor in our country? the answer is quite obvious for some - the domination of multi-million/multi-national corporations running our lives and hogging all the economic wealth most likely by questionable means. it all seems unfair and we can either blame "them" or find a way to do
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its 5:20 am! im not sleepy at all. i just binged on soda crackers, mint chocolate chip frozen yoghurt and a banana. i know i should sleep but i dont feel like it and i dont have to. im letting my inner child rule my life which could lead to some trouble later on... hmmm
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ive been obsessed with journal making lately. heres some that i made by hand, all the way from the binding to the covers. they are for sale! i also make personalized journals to suit your taste :)