Hey there :D
- Whats your name?: Catie
- Are you out?: Yep.
- How many years have you graced earth?: Thirteen :/ I don't think that age measures maturity, I'm an old soul. Give me five minutes to prove that, and if you don't think I'm older at heart, don't talk to me.
- Where ya from?: Columbus, Ohio
- Would you date long distance?: Yes, but with limited to the US, and southeast Canada.
- Do you smoke? Do you mind smokers?: I don't smoke and I'm not too bothered by smokers. Just don't blow smoke in my face, and chew gum or something if you want to kiss me.
- Do you drink? Do you mind drinkers?: I don't drink. I might take a sip of something like once or twice a year, but that's honestly it. I'm not bothered by drinkers, unless you're an alcoholic.
- Do you do drugs? What about girls that do? I don't. Please don't be a super junkie. I'm okay if you've just like done weed once or twice, and maybe do it once or less a month, but no junkies.
- How tall are you? 5'4.5
- What kinds of music do you like? I listen to everything, but I'm not too big on rap, and absolutely no country. Lately I really like techno/pop, French rock/punk, and acoustic.
- Do you consider yourself butch/femme/andy/labeless?: I guess I'm pretty femme.
- Tell me 4 things, you are looking for in a future partner: 4 words: Fun, honesty, love for love/care for care, someone to hold
- Tell me 4 things you AREN'T looking for in a future partner: Lies, cheating, controlling, manipulation
- What is your current relationship status? Single
- And of course the cheesy one, what would be a perfect date for you? Anything fun I guess. Something sweet, where we really click.
- Only one left! How can you be reached? on here, my aim: gredxforge, my yahoo: catiexcontagious, my myspace:
http://www.myspace.com/the_chemical_romantic And that's me :D