- Whats your name?: Emily
- Are you out?: yes
- How many years have you graced earth?: 19
- Where ya from?: Ajax, Ontario which is about a half hour from Toronto.
- Would you date long distance?: I'd prefer nothing longer than 2 hours, but I've done long distance before and survived relatively unharmed. ;]
- Do you smoke? Do you mind smokers?: I don't really smoke, but it wouldn't be an issue.
- Do you drink? Do you mind drinkers?: I don't drink that often, but again, it wouldn't be an issue.
- Do you do drugs? What about girls that do? I don't like hard drugs for myself or anyone that I'm close to. I don't really care about pot.
- How tall are you? 5'2-3
- What kinds of music do you like? I like a lot. My Chemical Romance, Our Lady Peace, Pj Harvey, and Fiona Apple are my favourites. Probably mostly the indie/rock genre.
- Do you consider yourself butch/femme/andy/labeless?: labeless, I suppose.
- Tell me 4 things, you are looking for in a future partner: 4 words: intelligent, artistic, thoughtful, touchy-feely.
- Tell me 4 things you AREN'T looking for in a future partner: irresponsibility, manipulating/guilt-tripping, someone too serious (I tend to make fun of anything and everything), someone who understands and isn't offended when I need time alone.
- What is your current relationship status? Single.
- And of course the cheesy one, what would be a perfect date for you? going out for coffee and staying up all night talking.
- Only one left! How can you be reached? my email is brokencitynight@hotmail.com, or brokencitynight_x@yahoo.com. I'm rarely on msn, however, but almost almost on LJ. I won't mind if someone adds my journal - just comment first.