- What's your name?: Ivy
- Are you out?: Yes, since a rather unfortunate gym period in middle school. >.>
- How many years have you graced earth?: 18
- Where ya from?: I was born in New Orleans, but I've lived in Alabama pretty much all my life.
- Would you date long distance?: Yes, I would.
- Do you smoke? Do you mind smokers?: I don't smoke, but I don't mind people who do.
- Do you drink? Do you mind drinkers?: I don't drink, but I'm very much used to people who do.
- Do you do drugs? What about girls that do? And I don't do drugs. And as far as minding it...minding people who smoke is about the best I can do, really, in that area. Other than that, not so much.
- How tall are you? Not very. A little over five feet.
- What kinds of music do you like? Almost all types except most rap and country. I'm a big fan of oldies. Rock and J-Pop and Classical are all good. Also Showtunes...XD I'll listen to almost anything.
- Do you consider yourself butch/femme/andy/labeless?: I guess labeless. I don't consider myself butch, I'm definitely not a lipstick lesbian...so yeah.
- Tell me 4 things, you are looking for in a future partner: 4 words: Honesty, sensitivity, humor, someone I can depend on.
- Tell me 4 things you AREN'T looking for in a future partner: Ignorance, someone who shuts herself off when the going gets tough, fickleness, apathy
- What is your current relationship status? Depressingly single.
- And of course the cheesy one, what would be a perfect date for you? Either the classic dinner and a movie or a romantic evening walk in the park, or some combination of the two.
- Only one left! How can you be reached? Here; E-mail: di_vine_decadence@yahoo.com; AIM: princemarmalade myonlygloryhole (not as dirty as it sounds, if you know me XD)