1.What Time is it now? 11:15pm
2.What is your name? Janelle
3.Single or taken? Taken
4.What does your name mean? I have no idea
5.Who picked out your name? Mom
6.What's your nickname? Sweetheart ( by philip that is)
8.What colour are your eyes? green
9.Do you have an innie or an outie? innie
10.What size are your shoes? 7.5
12.How tall (or short)? 5'3
13.Honestly what do you like about yourself? my face probably
14.What do you always get complimented on? my hair
15.worst quality? overprotective of philip
16.What are the last four digits of your phone Number? 0050
17.Do you think you're cute? Sure do! haha just kidding
18.Hair colour? Brown
19.Do you wear contacts? no
20.Living Arrangements? with my parents
21.Favourite drink? Fruit Punch
22.Favourite alcoholic drink? beer or tia maria
23.Favourite Month? August
24.Favourite Food? Pizza
25.Favourite Board Game? No clue
26.Web Site? no clue
27.favoriteclothing brand? i dont look at the brand, i look at the clothes itself
29.Favourite colour? Yellow
30.Favourite Animal? cats
31.Do you have more girl or boy friends? girls
32.Who's your best friend? I cant really say that right no im still trying to figure out
33.Are your parents togetha? yep
34.How often do you get together with the family? very seldomely (sp?)
35.Do you tell your parents or your friends more? friends
36. Anyfin special about your parents? nope
37.Siblings and their age? Jason-19 Justin-18 Candice-22 Karley-5
38.You're a flirt? I dont thin so, but maybe i just dont notice myself
39.You're slutty? Ha no i dont think so
40.You're Mean? ha yea
41.You like someone? Of course i likes philip
42.You can keep secrets? yeah
43.You dance in front of the mirror? who doesn't at some point in their life?
44.You sing in the shower? hah yes i do
46.You like Britney Spears? nope
47.You've liked a cousin? no
48.You've been in the opposites bathroom? haha yep
49.ever hurt anyone? yes and ashamed of it
50.You've been hurt seriously? yes
51.You swear? yup
52.You get your way? haha yes
53.You're willing to try new things? yep
54.You've cheated on a test? nope i dont agree with cheating at all
57.What are you wearing? jeans and a t-shirt
58.What colour are your pants? dark blue jeans
59.What are you listening to? nothin
60.How are you feeling? tired
61.What are you doing now? typing the answers to this
62.What are you eating? nothing
63.How many people are online? 20
64. How's the weather? cold and raining
65.whats on your mousepad? nothing
66.What books are you reading? at the moment none, but in the process of reading night for english and in her shoes because i like to read
88. the last movie you saw? Thirteen
89. what did you have for dinner? Sandwhich
90.What are you hoping for? philip in my future
92.What movie do you really want to see? Saw 2
93.Tell us about those scars? I have one on my knee from when i was 4 and one which is very dull on my wrist
95.Where is your favourite place to travel? I dont have a lot of travelling experience so ask em that question again in 10 years haha
96.What did you last dream about? stupid shit which sometimes worries me
97.What was the last thing you ate? honey garlic meat and rice
98.If you were a crayon what colour what would you be? yellow or black
99.Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? philip
100.Do you like the person that sent this to you? no1 sent this to me but i got it from alison and yes i like her in a friend kind of way lol
102.Ever had a crush on a teacher? nope
103.Are you too shy to ask someone out? nope
104.Scary movies or happy ending? scary movies
105.Summer or winter? summer
106.Relationships or one night stands? relationships
107.Chocolate or Vanilla? vanilla
108What did you do last night? watched a movie with philip and went to sleep cuddled up with him :)
109.Time finishing? 11:28
There you have it! :)