In which I request fandoms so Canadian I might as well bleed maple syrup
Dear yulegoat,
You've probably given up on me ever posting one of these, but on the off chance that you're still looking, here is my preference letter
yuletide. I want to preface this by saying thank you for writing for me. I will enjoy whatever you come up with, because you are indulging me in my very rare Canadian fandoms.
In terms of general preferences, I'm a het girl first and foremost - as evidenced by the characters I chose. I enjoy gen fic as well, as long as it's still about characters and their interactions, and it doesn't turn people into 2d cutouts. I love strong characters, especially the female ones, and development and exploration of characterization - aka at least a fic where you can't insert any name and make it work.
I'm not much of a person for fluffy interludes. This doesn't mean it has to be dark, but just not inducing of a diabetic coma. This is a very optional thing to consider, but I do like complications, and I do like flawed characters. All I ask out of the fic is a hopeful ending :)
I don't like crack fic.
I prefer canon-compliant if you can. At the very least, no extreme AUs.
I don't care what rating you write in. Something of a little parental guidance would be nice, but not neccessarily in terms of 'sexual situations'. If you do write sex, which I'm more than fine with, just know I'm not an incredibly kinky person - if it has one of those scary titles, it likely squicks me. All I ask is you keep any sexual activity in character!
I would prefer not to read any pregnancy fic, or with a bunch of ickle cutie kids running around. Not that even seems to fit with half my requests, but I thought I would toss that in there too. I am also squicked by infidelity/adultery.
I love plot, I love long fics, but that is not neccessary. I just toss it out as I know some people specifically don't like these kind of things.
Now, onto the fandom details:
Being Erica
Erica; Dr. Tom
This is probably the most complicated of my requests, both because of the character and the time travel aspect, ha. I have always loved this show because of how smart it is (ok, or was, they've dropped the ball a little bit these last two years). I think there are so many different ways to interpret Dr. Tom and Erica's relationship, and none of them are wrong. I would never ever want the show to go into a 'romantic' relationship with them canonically, but in a fanfic sense, that is one of the interpretations I could see. If you do go that route, it would be very complicated and far from normal, but it would be interesting. However be it coupley, father/surrogate daughter, therapist/patient, the one thing that always comes through for me is the obvious love and affection they have for each other.
I know with Crosby's return pushing back the series finale, it would probably be hard to wait to write until after that, but I admit that's my first preference. REALLY though, don't be obligated towards that. Possibilities from different points in time are interesting as well. It's not like this show has a fandom that churns out fic after every episode.
Power Play
Brett Parker;Colleen Blessed
I'm not going to lie, this is my first choice. If you didn't get matched on it though, chances are you haven't seen it, and I will happily survive.
Every year I request this in a vain attempt, and this one will be no different :) I would love to see a 'het' story with Brett and Colleen, probably after the shows end rather than during. I'd only ask you keep in mind that they would never be happy in the normal sense, and they have a very complicated dynamic, but they are so alike on so many levels and oddly *right* for each other. It's such a thin line between love and hate, and they cross over and back so many times.
Breaker High
This is an almost embarrassing choice, and one that was sort of chosen on a whim. You don't get more random than a short lived Canadian tv show about teenagers going to school on a cruise ship travelling around the world. Even if it had Ryan Gosling. Not that Sean and Tamara weren't cute.
I'm going to admit my memories of the details of those show are vague about how it all turned out at the end, so it's pretty hard to disappoint me if you do go here.
I was going to try and give 'plots I'd always liked to see' suggestions, but it's hard enough to write and these fandoms as it is, ha. I will be happy with whatever you come up with!
I'll finish off by saying thank you once again for writing me this holiday season!