for the info! Do you spend much time talking about philosophy or history with people? or even more relevantly.. when you talk politics with people, how does your conversation go? Do you emphasize principles over examples? or the reverse? any and all info appreciated.. :)
Honestly, I don't spend much time talking about either one with people. History if I happen to be in a historical place or it gets spurred by a movie or something..philosophy if it comes up in conversation or also if it gets spurred by a movie/t.v. show/current event. Probably philosophy more, depending on what you define as philosophy. I think I tend to emphasize principles over examples when talking politics. I tend to not know the details of a situation, so I talk about what I feel is right or how I interpret the broad issue.
First off, I'm not sure what Ti and Ni refer to. Is this something other than T for Thinking and N for iNtuition?
To answer your question, I am ENFJ and enjoy history more than philosophy (in fact, I am a history major). I do like philosophy, but I am sometimes annoyed that it is too abstract and philosophers don't relate their study to the actual workings of the world, the lives of people, etc. I haven't taken careful note of my conversational and debate tactics, but I think I do tend to use historical examples more often than philosophical examples.
Re: Ti and NirynmorianqueenSeptember 27 2006, 15:49:43 UTC
I didn't know that Jung's theory about auxilliary and tertiary functions could be written out like that. Thanks! I'm going to have to start using those terms when I'm trying to explain myself. *g*
ENFP, I tend to use philosophy more than history overall in a political/religious e-mail debate I have going, but I think I use current history/current events more than I use philosophy. Perhaps I'm a fenceliner... :)
Comments 12
To answer your question, I am ENFJ and enjoy history more than philosophy (in fact, I am a history major). I do like philosophy, but I am sometimes annoyed that it is too abstract and philosophers don't relate their study to the actual workings of the world, the lives of people, etc. I haven't taken careful note of my conversational and debate tactics, but I think I do tend to use historical examples more often than philosophical examples.
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