I wrote more Eagle fic

Oct 14, 2011 22:55

And since for some reason I am not nearly so shy about sharing it(am I more confident now? or do I love these guys less than A and K? or is it just that it is all pretty much romantic fluff so far and hence I have less emotionally invested in it? do I care anyway?) I have posted it, all un-beta'd and overly detailed as it is, and if you want to read it, it is here:

Under the Skin, part 2

It's been good having a challenge that has made me write and post at least one piece of fiction every fortnight, although it is taking me away from my other universe and the list of must-write ideas is getting longer and longer. But I guess any writing is good practice, even if it is fluffy but not because there are lots of people in it who dress (and sleep... and sometimes do other things as well) in sheepskins...

And talking of practice, I discovered recently that I now have 150,000 words of AotB fic archived on AO3 - I was a bit startled by that - maybe I will achieve my goal of 200,000 by the end of the year... making up for thirtysomething years of lost time!
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