Procrastination is the thief of time...

Apr 16, 2012 22:25

... but also the generator of fiction!

Finally got a certain young Cornishman's assets out on display in the arthur_britons Longhouse... and am working on a rather nebulous idea for our current writers' challenge, which has a middle and a sort-of beginning, but no end. Although since most of my fics end up in pretty much the same way, I suspect that won't be a problem, provided I can make myself fill the usual gap!

Meanwhile the current Boosh epic is shaping up nicely, if weirdly. The most recent bits (rated PG-13 to R) are 5A, 5B and 6 and the plot bunnies are still breeding... along with the alien hybrid bunnies... and the dust bunnies under my desk...

rambling, procrastination, fiction, arthur of the britons, silliness, the mighty boosh, housework

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