I know that the economy is tough for everyone around. I understand that.
People need to stop acting so god damned crazy. Yes it is bad. Yes things are tight for EVERYONE. But I am sorry if you did not earn the money by working then you do not deserve the money that is worth the job that you did not do. If you work a minimum wage job at McDonalds guess what you are entitled to the fucking money that your minimum wage job allows you. If you want more money get a better paying job (if you can find one) or improve your situation so you can. Do not come knocking to the doors of the people who bust their fucking asses to earn money for their families and do well at it. YOU DO NOT DESERVE THEIR MONEY. Sorry we do not live in a socialistic or communist state. If you feel that we should take from the haves and give to the have nots. THEN FUCKING MOVE OUT OF THE COUNTRY. YOU DO NOT DESERVE THE MONEY SOMEONE GETS FOR BUSTING THEIR ASS FOR 80+HOURS A WEEK WHEN YOU DECIDE TO WORK A PART-TIME JOB. That is not what America was founded on. YOUR FUCKING ATTITUDE IS KILLING THIS COUNTRY. GET OFF YOUR GODDAMN ASS AND GET OUT THERE AND PROVIDE FOR THE LIFESTYLE THAT YOU WANT NOT THE LIFESTYLE THAT YOU FEEL THAT YOU DESERVE BUT SHOULD NOT HAVE TO WORK FOR BECAUSE OTHERS MAKE MORE THAN YOU. It is call drive people. Get it. Then you can be a part of the haves and get out of the catagory of the have nots. And please do not come down on me, I understand that most of the people that are in the have not catagory are not their by choice. BUT IT IS THE FUCKERS THAT SIT AND MILK THE SYSTEM THAT FUCK IT UP FOR EVERYONE. YES I AM TALKING YOU MOTHER OF 8 THAT COLLECT WELLFARE AND ALL YOUR BABBIES HAVE DIFFERENT DADDIES. YES I AM TALKING TO YOU, THE BUM SITTING ON THE COUCH BECAUSE YOU LIKE SITTING HOME AND DRINKING BEER INSTEAD OF WORKING. NOT BECAUSE YOU ARE INJURED OR HAVE A DISEASE BUT BECAUSE YOU FEEL THAT THE GOVERNEMENT OWES YOU SOMETHING. FUCKING WAKE UP.
I do not owe you anything. You do not deserve any of my money. Own your shit and take responsibility for your situation if it is one that could have been avoided. I am tired of listening, reading, and hearing about how hard it is. You are not the only one in that boat. The entire country is in it. But there are still people who get up every day, get dressed, and go to work not knowing if they are going to have a job the next day. But you now what they bust their ass for that day so they can truly claim that it was nothing that they did that caused them to loose their job. Can you say the same? If you can you are not part of the problem. If you cannot guess what you are the problem.
Someone recently told me "People who own their mistakes become successful in life, those who do not do not succeed." In all honesty that is the truth.
Stop looking for a handout or for the wealth to be spread between the classes. Because you are not owning your choices as your mistakes. Yours alone. You chose them. No one else did. Own them and then rise above them.