1. I AM GOING TO TRY A THING. Namely, when I am comfortable with someone, I tend to give them a deluge of questions whenever they throw a meme up. I am opening this up to anyone. I will ask you questions until I am thoroughly exhausated and/or have sated my curiosity.* You will get a minimum of three questions if: A) I have threaded with you a
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♣ Does Ryuutaros have thoughts on having been so long in camp?
♣ Naturally, state of the union for Shuichi.
♣ What do you think is the biggest reason why I should try the Tales Of series?
♣ Do you prefer to be lone wolf or app into a group?
♣ Who has Nana been hanging around with lately?
♫ State of the union for Nakatsu and Mika.
♫ What does George want most in camp? Person or activity, what have you.
♫ Talk to me about Othello's canon. I know nothing of it.
♫ What are Tsuna's thoughts on camp? On what's going on back home as far as he's aware?
♫ Rank your characters from prettiest to ugliest cross dressers.
♫ Shameless, but what's his feelings on Kino? How about Rey?
♫ First, how does George see his relationship with Yuki? Second, how do you view it from an outside perspective since you know his rhythm and so on?
♫ . . . Would George use Akito for a model? What kind of clothes?
☺ How do you plan on tackling the anime of Black Butler as it gets apped into camp?
☺ Do you have plans for an app? Desire a type?
☺ Who do you want most in camp right now?
☺ Describe Lien for me. I have never seen her in action.
☺ Okay, I should try to play with Lien. Who do you think would suit best?
☺ Do you reference any outside materials about demons? Be it for Sera or Sebastian.
☺ How many girlfriends does Sebastian have in camp now?
☺ How does Sebasatian view sex? . . . How does Sera?
φ State of the union on Anemone.
φ What are Mindy's favorite type of weapons? Least favorite?
φ What's been going down in latest Karnival canon?
φ Are you weak to Gainax?
φ Your characters are thrown into a baking contest! Who wins, who dumps salt in someone else's bowl, and who manages to bake charcoal?
♪ What brought you back to camp?
♪ What's a different type of character that you'd like to try, but don't think you can pull off?
♪ What does Yuuki enjoy most about camp?
♪ What does she enjoy least?
♪ Yuuki can go back to a moment in the past . . . Would she change anything?
♪ What is your favorite CLAMP series?
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