I digged through your novel in seven hours and wasn't able to put it aside. It was a great pleasure to read and exceeded by far the standards of common fanfic
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Thank you so much for plowing through this story, and particularly for sharing your lovely comments! It's a very special thing to recieve a note about a work thought long forgotten--and particularly so when it's the first lj comment to date!
You're quite right about the facts of CSF's timeline, and that this work does not precisely fit. I suppose I ought to have labeled this story as an AU (alternate universe), as I make no claim that Run Aground is fully consistent with CSF's canon. This is simply an alternative interpretation of events. To me, it seemed that Bush's rise from first lieutenant to post-captain could only be described as 'meteoric', and highly inconsistent with his experience, even if (perhaps especially if) he did spend time at Sheerness. One of my goals in writing this was to attempt to give Bush at least a bit of independent command, thus rendering his promotion at least slightly more plausible. Still, his rapid achievement of post rank is not exactly historically accurate. I don't know if there was anything I
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Wow! Front to back? How long did that take? I'm really excited to know that it captured your imagination enough to inspire you to read it all in one bite!
You might have missed it the first time around because it was written so long ago: most of my lj friends at the time I posted it here had already seen it, so I didn't crosspost to communities. I don't think our paths had even crossed yet.
And through it all, the sort of shock of recognition that the best stories bring-- 'of course, this is how it was.'
I can't possibly imagine a better comment than that. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Awww, I finished. I really enjoyed getting to live in your little novella for a bit, thank you. You must have worked hard on this, and it shows, especially in your original characters. You really made me care for them. I'll probably sit down and have a "proper" read again later.
I can't thank you enough for sticking with it, and--especially--for letting me know that you enjoyed the read! There's something particularly special about feedback on an older work, and your kind words are deeply appreciated.
I did work hard on this--probably too hard--though it was always done for my own satisfaction first and foremost. Readership was a lovely bonus! It was a surprising thing to discover that I actually enjoyed creating original characters, despite my initial trepidations about doing so. I'm absolutely thrilled to find that they appealed to you!
Thanks again for all the lovely comments you've shared along the way!
Yes, I see you worked on it over the span of three years. Was it hard keeping in line with yourself, so to speak? I think you gained momentum and confidence as the work progressed, but there's no great discrepancy between parts, which is an achievement in itself.
Was it hard keeping in line with yourself, so to speak?
No, believe it or not! I did a lot of mental composition and revision before I sat down to commit it to "paper", and always re-read what I had already written first. That helped me get back into the proper voice again (I mean, really....no one actually talks like that!). It helped, too, that I always knew where I was going: I wrote the ending first (beginning with HH's offer and Bush's refusal), then the beginning, and then had to figure out how to get there. Sometimes the inbetween took me into unexpected avenues, but the goal was still intact.
I think you gained momentum and confidence as the work progressed, but there's no great discrepancy between parts, which is an achievement in itself.Thank you! I feel that I learned a great deal in the process. There are definitely some 'cringeworthy' bits that I should go back and fix, especially in the beginning. Most of my work lives in a continual state of editing, but fixing the rough parts of RA is something I haven't
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Finally got round to finishing this... novel! Yes, someone else already called it that and it is one indeed.
I have never read such a complex fanfic before, I believe. With adventure, friendship, insights into the characters, treason and I don't know what else all was in there! Even some light hints at romance, all beautifully wrapped into one long story arc.
I shared your characters' joy and pride at success, their worries and fears and their growing trust and friendship. Your two lieutenants are great characters, both with unique personalities. It makes me long to know what became of them after Bush left with Hornblower... (I seem to have a soft spot for lieutenants, I can't help it!)
All that's left for me to say is: Hats off to you, brilliant work.
Wow. You've left me speechless.....but grinning like a loon.
I truly enjoyed the writing--and learning--process as I was working on this. To know that others found something in it to like is incredibly fulfilling. Thank you so much!!!
Comments 25
You're quite right about the facts of CSF's timeline, and that this work does not precisely fit. I suppose I ought to have labeled this story as an AU (alternate universe), as I make no claim that Run Aground is fully consistent with CSF's canon. This is simply an alternative interpretation of events. To me, it seemed that Bush's rise from first lieutenant to post-captain could only be described as 'meteoric', and highly inconsistent with his experience, even if (perhaps especially if) he did spend time at Sheerness. One of my goals in writing this was to attempt to give Bush at least a bit of independent command, thus rendering his promotion at least slightly more plausible. Still, his rapid achievement of post rank is not exactly historically accurate. I don't know if there was anything I ( ... )
And through it all, the sort of shock of recognition that the best stories bring-- 'of course, this is how it was.'
Thank you so much for writing this.
You might have missed it the first time around because it was written so long ago: most of my lj friends at the time I posted it here had already seen it, so I didn't crosspost to communities. I don't think our paths had even crossed yet.
And through it all, the sort of shock of recognition that the best stories bring-- 'of course, this is how it was.'
I can't possibly imagine a better comment than that. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
No, I think you were at the community long before I was. I am so very glad you stuck around!
I am crying.
This was just so good and so true.
I did work hard on this--probably too hard--though it was always done for my own satisfaction first and foremost. Readership was a lovely bonus! It was a surprising thing to discover that I actually enjoyed creating original characters, despite my initial trepidations about doing so. I'm absolutely thrilled to find that they appealed to you!
Thanks again for all the lovely comments you've shared along the way!
No, believe it or not! I did a lot of mental composition and revision before I sat down to commit it to "paper", and always re-read what I had already written first. That helped me get back into the proper voice again (I mean, really....no one actually talks like that!). It helped, too, that I always knew where I was going: I wrote the ending first (beginning with HH's offer and Bush's refusal), then the beginning, and then had to figure out how to get there. Sometimes the inbetween took me into unexpected avenues, but the goal was still intact.
I think you gained momentum and confidence as the work progressed, but there's no great discrepancy between parts, which is an achievement in itself.Thank you! I feel that I learned a great deal in the process. There are definitely some 'cringeworthy' bits that I should go back and fix, especially in the beginning. Most of my work lives in a continual state of editing, but fixing the rough parts of RA is something I haven't ( ... )
I have never read such a complex fanfic before, I believe. With adventure, friendship, insights into the characters, treason and I don't know what else all was in there! Even some light hints at romance, all beautifully wrapped into one long story arc.
I shared your characters' joy and pride at success, their worries and fears and their growing trust and friendship. Your two lieutenants are great characters, both with unique personalities. It makes me long to know what became of them after Bush left with Hornblower... (I seem to have a soft spot for lieutenants, I can't help it!)
All that's left for me to say is: Hats off to you, brilliant work.
I truly enjoyed the writing--and learning--process as I was working on this. To know that others found something in it to like is incredibly fulfilling. Thank you so much!!!
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