For the letter V in
lokei's William Bush Alphabet Soup ficathon
Summary: Another look at an incident from Commodore Hornblower; book!canon Bush
Rating: G, gen
Posted with the highest regards to Quarterdeck, the very best beta-reader ever.
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Comments 38
I really enjoy "taking a small moment and making it...revealing": making mountains out of molehills, in other words! Making something out of what is, essentially, nothing and using it to try to further my interpretation of the character is a challenge I look forward to. I suppose I like to explore the 'whys and wherefores'!
You sprung open that moment so beautifully and revealed all its workings. Its a great reminder of what amazing possibilities remain inside those moments - like this one which we all fangirl anyway but do nothing with. And not only a great strategy, but beautifully done too.
But what fun is that??
CSF gave us so many great unexplored moments that can be filled in and used to expand our pet interpretations of his characters. I tend to think too much about what *wasn't* written, so it's a strategy that works for me.
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I recommended your story to a non-LJ friend btw, and she said she thought it was very good (she texted me, something about "still shivering with delight")
I think I must be the queen of "carried away"....I started speculating about why Bush's hands might still be callused after months of languishing behind a desk in the Sheerness dockyard (HH notices it in Commodore) and wound up with a 27 chapter novella. I'm afraid to even guess at the word count!
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