Another thing about doctor who

Jun 25, 2010 16:53

It seems to me this series was absolutely loaded with extremely on-the-nose quotations from popular culture. Just a few:

"Help us, Doctor, you're our only hope" (The Beast Below) (this wasn't the only Star Wars one)

Sidney Greenstreet sells River the time vortex wrist thingo. I mean, that *is* Sidney Greenstreet.

And River is (rather annoyingly) James Bond. Down to the circular iris-door and the hallucinogenic lipstick and the little gun.

And not a quotation, but while we're at it, if Amelia Pond is an exclamation-worthy fairy tale name, what do we make of "River Song"???

And what did Octavian mean by "what" when he kept saying, "who or what you are?" He could have meant, "the person who killed the Doctor," but did he?

Anyway I got off the quotes, and for some reason I'm blanking on more, but there were more. I suspect they are not part of the plot, but the fact that someone (Amy herself?) takes the stories of her childhood and makes them into plot makes me wonder.

Tick tick tick

Re-watch goes out of order. I rewatched Eleventh Hour and Pandorica Opens, then Blink & the library duo from s4, then Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone (what a genius episode!!), then The Lodger, now The Beast Below. Next Amy's Choice, I think ... though I already rewatched a bunch of scenes from that one. I feel like I should watch the Silurians (eps 8 & 9) again, but those episodes annoyed me.

Sorry to be boring. I think I've forgotten how to post.

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