Weekly challenge #17!

Apr 21, 2007 16:07

Sorry it's been so long since a new challenge.

To be honest, the lack of participation just took a toll on me, and I had to take some time out because I was getting really frustrated. I hope this isn't taken as a nag to people in the community, because I don't mean it that way. I'm just giving an explanation for the lack of challenges.

Anyway, thanks to chadmmurrayfan for this week's challenge idea! (have a challenge idea? suggest it here!)

In honor of Elliot Yamin's new album, this week's challenge is honoring him!

As usual, you may use whatever picture you desire as long as Elliot is the main focus.

Or, if you'd rather, you may use some of the following pictures provided here.

[x] You ARE ALLOWED to use images other than the ones suggested here and the image/icon may include other people (judges, contestants, etc) AS LONG AS ELLIOT IS THE MAIN FOCUS IN THE PICTURE.
[x] You have until FRIDAY, APRIL 27th @ MIDNIGHT EST to enter!
[x] You may only enter up to 3 icons per challenge
[x] Icons must meet LJ standards: under 40KB (file size), 100x100 (pixels); Must be saved in .PNG, .GIF, or .JPG
[x] Brushes, textures, gradients can be used. Blends and animation are allowed.
[x] Do not post the icons anywhere else until the challenge is done. PLEASE do not use old icons. You must create a new one for the challenges.
[x] You can't vote for yourself and don't get people to vote for you. We want this to be fair.
[x] To enter icons: comment on this post, with the image itself and the link pasted underneath the image (example shown on info page).
[x] Comments are screened.

Number of entries: 7

challenge #17

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