Title: Captain Jack Sparrow - A Legend in His Own Mind Author: the_stowaway Character: Captain Jack Sparrow Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean Spoilers: All three movies Beta: the lovely and talented jenna_thorn
And yes, he did. He was hovering over me the whole time I was writing - kibitzing like mad. Sometimes he was preening absurdly, sometimes he was trying to edit my text to spin it better. It was very amusing. *g* I gave him that one line to shut him up, basically.
Since you wouldn’t let me push you into writing it for me, 8-) here’s the comment I promised for my theory of Jack Sparrow being a trickster god
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So many things our dear Jack is, and yet so many things that he is not. It makes him such an intricate and often overwhelming character to write.
It would behoove us all to make cue cards from the wonderful analysis to be used as refreshers and reminders before we sit down to write him. It's so easy to fall into the trap of focusing on one aspect, at the expense of the others. He is a complete package, and it's a daunting task.
From what I understand, the unsung hero is Bruckheimer (gotta plug our Detroit boy). It was his stroke of genius to call in JD in the first place. Bravo!!
YAY for Bruckheimer's vision! I am an admirer of his anyway, so this just adds another reason to like him. Although, I get the impression from some of the DVD extras that even he was made slightly nervous at first by what Johnny did with Jack. But he had the good sense not to pull the plug and for that I honor him. Rolling with it sure paid off.
And yes, Jack is complicated (and slippery) to write. You're so right that it's easy to pick a favorite aspect of him and write just that part - and it can make a good story - but how much more satisfying to struggle with the complete package.
Comments 33
And yes, he did. He was hovering over me the whole time I was writing - kibitzing like mad. Sometimes he was preening absurdly, sometimes he was trying to edit my text to spin it better. It was very amusing. *g* I gave him that one line to shut him up, basically.
his relationship with his wife is, shall we say, poisonous (sorry, I couldn’t resist.)
So many things our dear Jack is, and yet so many things that he is not. It makes him such an intricate and often overwhelming character to write.
It would behoove us all to make cue cards from the wonderful analysis to be used as refreshers and reminders before we sit down to write him. It's so easy to fall into the trap of focusing on one aspect, at the expense of the others. He is a complete package, and it's a daunting task.
From what I understand, the unsung hero is Bruckheimer (gotta plug our Detroit boy). It was his stroke of genius to call in JD in the first place. Bravo!!
Good stuff!
The loveable jerk. Ya gotta love him!
And yes, Jack is complicated (and slippery) to write. You're so right that it's easy to pick a favorite aspect of him and write just that part - and it can make a good story - but how much more satisfying to struggle with the complete package.
Thank you! I'm really pleased you enjoyed this.
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