Title: his reach is global, his tower secure; his cause is noble, his power is pure...
kalichan Character: The Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Doctor Who
Spoilers: Through… "Planet of the Dead"
TENI'm the Doctor. I'm a Time Lord. I'm from the planet Gallifrey in the constellation of Kasterborous. I'm 903 years old, and I'm the man who's gonna save your
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Comments 42
Suffice it to say, you are so so so so right. And:
While Ten's darkness is buried much deeper than Nine's, his daffiness disguises a person who is actually quite remarkably ruthless. Describing himself as "the sort of man who doesn't give second chances", Ten, in his very first full episode "The Christmas Invasion", destroys the career of Prime Minister Harriet Jones, with six simple words: "Don't you think she looks tired?" His good-humored, non-sequential, excitable silliness makes his darkness all the more chilling because you realize that at least part of his daft zaniness is simply a social mask, used to disarm. You never see him coming.SO well put, and so true and important. Also, I see what you did there subconsciously quoting "Devil's Advocate" and it's AWESOME. Okay, maybe you weren't-but with the subconscious being all sub of your consciousness, I can't truly be wrong ;). Also, it's one of my favorite quotes from that film so ( ... )
Dearie, I am the gen queen of the universe. Nine times out of ten, I don't bother with stories with sexin', and when I do, I generally skip over the sexin'.
Unless it's Moving In or Negotiations. But I digress.
But don't take my word for it, try it and see.
I think I also just really love shows where everyone concerned is passionate about what they're doing, and enjoying themselves tremendously. It adds a sparkle that is, in my opinion, really hard, if not impossible to fake.
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