Title: Being Magnificent: the journey of Donna Noble Author: torn_eledhwen Character: Donna Noble Fandom: Doctor Who Spoilers: For "The Runaway Bride" and the entirety of season 4.
I'm surprised that no one has commented on this one, especially when so many people love Donna. I enjoyed reading your analysis of the character and I wonder what your thoughts are on her future appearance in the End of Time specials.
Donna is one of my all time favorite Doctor Who characters (as is Wilf)
I think it was nice that we saw that Donna's life was getting better.... that the Donna that was before she met the Doctor was clearly becoming a better person... and I like to think it was because her mother was treating her better... and that she was revealing some of her true potential.
And I was so pleased that she was marrying a man that genuinely cared for her. Good for you, Donna!
Comments 2
I think it was nice that we saw that Donna's life was getting better.... that the Donna that was before she met the Doctor was clearly becoming a better person... and I like to think it was because her mother was treating her better... and that she was revealing some of her true potential.
And I was so pleased that she was marrying a man that genuinely cared for her. Good for you, Donna!
Thank you for posting this.
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