-You will not actually come on here at all.- I intend on dropping in once in a while -You're a bitch ho.- I dont think I am... -I don't like you.- Do you like dirntcooljoe, formerly known as _the1bj_? -You don't like slash.- I co run a slash community... -You don't like Mike.- Hun, I love Mikey -You're Billie Joe obssessed.- *shakes head* Nope. more of a Tré person myself. But I have a massive soft spot for Mike -You don't like people that are emo on the inside.- That's just fucked if you're that quick to judge... -And you don't like music.- I lube music in the right quantities
I should probably make a proper comment... Well, I love your fics, this is your journal, so I cant object to anything you have to say.... And I miss talking to you
Comments 10
I'm slow -__-
I always want to be your friend!! ^_^ ♥
-You will not actually come on here at all.- I intend on dropping in once in a while
-You're a bitch ho.- I dont think I am...
-I don't like you.- Do you like dirntcooljoe, formerly known as _the1bj_?
-You don't like slash.- I co run a slash community...
-You don't like Mike.- Hun, I love Mikey
-You're Billie Joe obssessed.- *shakes head* Nope. more of a Tré person myself. But I have a massive soft spot for Mike
-You don't like people that are emo on the inside.- That's just fucked if you're that quick to judge...
-And you don't like music.- I lube music in the right quantities
I should probably make a proper comment... Well, I love your fics, this is your journal, so I cant object to anything you have to say.... And I miss talking to you
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