ok... i didn't want to talk on dee's livejounral cause we arn't making comments about her, but about your statement... you should be careful about stuff like that because you just greatly offened me to no end... i'm cool with everyone's religion, but what you said to me was like saying to a jewish person that it was their fault that jesus died. i'm pagan... and wiccan is a branch of paganism. i'm celtic druidic... and we don't at all believe the devil in any way, shape, or form, because the devil exists only in the chistian/catholic religion, as does your view of "witches." i'm cool with you not wanting to see HP becasue of your belief, that's awesome that people are very diverse, but please, be cautious when talking about religion. like i said before, you have your belief, and that is totally awesome, but i have mine... don't assume everyone belives in the bible... on a lighter note... YOU SHOULD SEE RENT! cause it is awesome...
in no way shape or form am i trying to offend you. i was just saying why i am not going to watch or read harry potter. the God of the bible,(the God that i believe in) does not allow witchcraft, or sorcery. so i am going to abide by that, and not watch or read harry potter. and by the way it is not the Jew's fault that Jesus died. it is nobody's fault. he died to save us because he loves us all. every single person on the planet. he died for everyone's sin's. and i'm not assuming that you believe in the bibe at all! i know that i do, and that i'm following what it says by not watching harry potter. i respect you and your "religion"(do you call celtic druidic a religion?? cause i have no clue what that is. never heard of it) i respect everyone and their beliefs. i dont try and cram christianity down people's throats, i'm just very open about my beliefs.
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