I just don't understand what it is about us. No matter where we end up living, we have to deal with idiotic control freaks. This time, it's about my vegetable garden. Please note that it is a very small, polite little garden, situated directly behind the driveway.
So, today, I get a knock on my door. I'm a bit surprised, because I put up the no soliciting sign, and I haven't been bothered since. I go downstairs, all ready to be indignent, when I see an overly makeuped ex-sorority-type blonde on my front steps. This isn't the normal 'come to my church' or 'buy a newspaper' type, so I open the door and find out it's the other realtor attached to the neighborhood. She proceeds to tell me that the neighbors are unhappy about my pots and my vegetable garden, and that we need to put up a privacy fence or get rid of the garden. That's right, people. Pay no attention to the fact that the neighborhood is surrounded by doublewide trailors, cow farms, vegetable farms, AND A FUCKING CHICKEN PLANT! Oh, no, we wouldn't want their sensitive little eyes to be forced to see my eyesore of a vegetable garden every time they drive past. I'm so mad I can barely type. LEAVE ME ALONE, I BOUGHT THIS HOUSE WITH MY OWN GODDAMN MONEY AND I CAN DO WHATEVER THE FUCK I WANT WITH IT! I think now is the time to discover a love for little cement animals, folk art, and year-round christmas lights.