I'm thinking more negatively than positively about TW MD today.
I read
this article. It is a very positive review of the latest episode. It gave me a bit of perspective of what MD wants to achieve. Then I can step back and think, is it this really? Do you need to
go to the utmost worst and spell it out?
I didn't feel it so strongly in the previous episodes, but as I've said in the previous post, Jack seems a bit as if he stepped from a fictional sci-fi world into the real world. His remark to Rex about being his boyfriend nearly felt out of place and not up to the seriousness of this episode.
Another thought. I keep thinking today that MD is not a show for a fandom. You can't possibly squee about the latest episode. You can say it was good or it was bad. (or squee at some of the little moments, I'm not trying to ban it, you know what I mean) I thought it was better than the Mission Impossible episode.
Will MD provoke a lot of serious discussion about health care, bureaucracy, people doing their job and at the same time doing the most horrible things.. here on lj? I've read some. They are better people than I am, because I'm not up to it. That lady in the office at the camp with Esther hunts me. She just kept shrugging, so what, this doesn't concern me. This is also a cliché, it's obvious. That's why I'm thinking, if you want to give such a message, do you need to go about it this way.
Today I'm also feeling skeptical that TW can continue like this, if Jack continues to feel so out of place (Gwen's working better). Let's see. He appears to be the cause of everything, probably. In any way, we can't have a repeat of this. Maybe it would work if TW stepped down again. Instead of the "bigger and better", go smaller. Jack in a little town in nowhere. Little problems. I don't want to see any newscaster ever again.
ETA: So far each episode had a different feel about it. Funny episode 2 and did-you-miss-me-Jack, the Mission Impossible episode 4, introduction episode 1 with lovely Gwen&Rhys scenes, Jack's touching nightly phone call to Gwen episode 3, and horrible, horrible episode 5.