Allow me to start with. AHHHH!!!!! Stupid fucking, yak-yak, blah, blah!
Yet another quest to figure out what the is wrong with me. I am starting to think Medical Professionals are totally incompetent.
Friday, I went to UofM, my Pulmonary Doctor gave up on me in December and sent me to UofM. Where they have a "cough clinic". Of corse I had to wait months before I could get in to see them. Finally last week, I when I got there, having to miss a half a day of work, I had to take another breathing test. Test number 8 I believe. Once again normal. Although this time I did have a very nice Tech who explained all the numbers and every thing to me. Informative. I am actually above average. HAA! Take that test! I meet with my new Doctor (new doctor #4) she told me that she wants to rerun all the test I have already had, and then so more. She wants me to have PH Probe test. I ask "What is that?" And she begins to tell me they are going to stick a tube down my nose... *uncontrollable shutter* this tube goes down into my tummy and then I get to walk around with this in me for 24 hours. *shutter, scratch nose*
It is like my own personal toucher. Next thing you know they are going to try to poke my eye while poking their eye and squishing other peoples eyes in front of my face, all while hitting me in the knee and sticking my hand down the garbage disposal. God Damn them!
I got no information on this test before leaving the hospital. So I hope online and try to find out what this 'probe' initials, with no real luck. So I call the number on my bill and talk to a lab tech. He explained what they are going to do. First they stick a cathader down my noise and find my stomic acid, then they pull that out and then stick a tube down there and then tape it to the side of my face. And I get to come back in 24 hours, they take it out. I think that sounds rather painful. And say so, he tells me it is uncomfortable, and they do it to infants all the time. "Your eyes might water a little." Eyes water a little! Fuck that, my eyes water a little just thinking about it. I am going to be the biggest baby they have ever done it to and have a full out fit while they are shoving a bloody fucking tube down my god damn nose. Fuckers!
The Tech also gave me other information that I never got. Like when to stop eating and drinking and to not take meds and several other things that I would have never known if i had not called. I would have showed up there Thursday morning, and they would have been like Oh to bad come back an other day when you haven't done (list of things goes here).
I can't believe they want to do this to me... me the one who wouldn't use nose spray! I say bring on the fucking nose spray and fuck you guys with the tubes. Fuck it I like my cough... I can't believe I have to do this all on my own, I want my Mommy (who is in Texas).
In a few weeks they are going to have me inhale a poison and see if I have asthma... who thinks of this shit?! I mean really! Come one people!
Grrrrrrr... ok trying to thing positively.... I could be worse....
Orthodox medicine has not found an answer to your complaint. However, luckily for you, I happen to be a quack.