I think I've complained before of a certain involuntary stoicism on my part. A wish that I should be more easily moved. (unlike a tree that's planted by the water?) Not that I've any particular hardships to be stoic about. Life is a bourgeois breeze. Whatever claims to poverty I had as a student who summered as a construction labourer are gone -
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Comments 7
some joggers got blown up in Beantown
That's a pretty crass way of putting it, don't you think? As someone who used to live in the area, I found it totally surreal following the story of the manhunt.
Everything about the bombings and the aftermath was pretty crass. And if there were an elegant way of putting it, I sure as shit wasn't gonna find it after four or five stiff glasses of whiskey.
I'm not too elegant after a few whiskeys, either. My monocle has usually dropped into my glass. I don't know about crass, but people I knew were having to shelter-in-place while tanks rolled by outside their window looking for a nineteen year old boy. The US has officially gone insane.
The US has officially gone insane.
Well, ground troops are officially obsolete overseas now that there are "precision" drones which instantly transmogrify any adult male they kill into an enemy combatant. So might as well bring the troops home and have 'em do suburban security in a new police-state technocracy.
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