This is an incredibly long meme/survey that I have decided to do to keep me awake during class so I can half-listen about the significance of the stapler in A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius. It's better than falling asleep and not listening at all.
1. In one sentence, explain what ended your last relationship: Due to some rupture still unknown to me, he just... stopped caring.
2. What made you smile today? The fact that this skirt makes me look like a salsa dancer. Olé!
3. What were you doing this morning at 8a.m.? Willing myself to wake up to work on my Spanish presentation, but using the 5-minute snooze setting to assist me in remaining awake.
4. What were you doing 15 minutes ago? Updating about my weekend.
5. Something that happened to you in 1985? I was born after Christmas brunch.
6. Your prom night? We'll go with Senior prom. It was alright. Not really memorable, but not bad.
7. Last thing you said aloud? Some comment about how the act of close-reading is a closer simulation of the writer's pace, but it detracts from overall comprehension because it's so far away from the actual reading process.
8. Last thing someone else said aloud? "What about this sort of 'spilling of your guts'?" - Professor talking about the idea of confession in AHWOSG.
9. Worst thing currently on television: Dust.
10. What was in the mail today? I haven't checked yet. Probably a credit card offer because they love me.
11. How many different beverages have you drank today? Watered down raspberry lemonade (the dining hall makes it too strong) and a Naked Juice superfood green smoothie (SO good!).
12. What is your favorite part of the day? Uh... in general? Actually, I've been enjoying the feeling of satisfaction I get from waking up more than an hour before I have to go to class. It's nice to wake up and do something else first. I feel more accomplished. My other favorite part is definitely the crazy, fun conversations that Daniel and I have some evenings. When we forget everything else and can just laugh together - at each other.
13. Your current To-do list? Write company analysis for Econ22SI, go to In-House Draw for next year tonight, write 5-page Spanish research paper, call Vaden to make a health appointment for my Girl Scout job this summer. Then a couple more final projects and everything included under the category of "moving out."
14. Where is your best friend right now? Uh... most of my friends are in California or Arizona. I don't really have a single best friend.
15. What color is your toothbrush? White with pink.
16. What is out your back door? Let's assume you're referring to my parents' house and say some emu chicks.
17. Any plans for Friday night? None whatsoever. I guess I'll try to do homework, namely research for my French paper.
18. Least favorite place to shop? I don't really shop, but I guess... K-Mart. They're almost always filthy.
19. Last thing you bought? Naked Juice Superfood smoothie, but that's not interesting (not that any of this is) so... bagel crisps, sparkling apple cider, and raspberry preserves for a picnic in the hotel room. And a generic greeting card. :)
20. Last gift you received? seeing Daniel. :P Okay fine. Well, Daniel attempted to give me this weekend for our anniversary last month, but I ended up giving it to him. I credit him for the idea!
21. Funniest thing you heard all day? "Here is a drawing of a stapler." - AHWOSG
22. Favorite mug? I don't own a mug.
23. What color is your front door? Again, assuming parents' house - bright blue. As in Mexican front door blue.
-Is your hair up?: No.
-Is your phone right beside you?: Yes.
-Do you miss someone?: I always do.
-Do you wish you were somewhere else?: Yes, actually, but I can't really complain about where I am right now. Except that I can't sleep.
-Do you have plans for tonight?: Writing my spanish essay rought draft, In-House Draw at Toyon.
-Are you wearing makeup?: I rarely wear makeup, except for performances and some special occassions
-Are you wearing chapstick?: *licks lips to check* Yes.
-Are you cold?: Cold-hearted. MWA HA HA HA.
-Are you tired?: Did I get any sleep last night?
-Are you excited? At the moment, no. About the summer, yes.
-Are you watching TV?: I usually don't.
-Are you wearing pajamas?: No, it's too dangerous to sleep in this skirt.
-Who's the last person you IMed?: Daniel! Because he has a laptop now!
-Who's the last person that called you?: Ilana so we could meet for dinner and catch up on each other's lives.
-Done anything you regret?: Yes, but that's in the past. I'm not ever going back there. Learn and move on.
-Ever lied?: No.
-Ever stuck gum under a desk?: I don't chew gum. It makes me painfully hungry.
-Ever spit at someone?: No, but I've kinda always wanted to...
-Ever kick something living?: Not while I was awake.
-Ever trip over your own feet?: *trips*
-Ever had your nails done? By my guitar teacher in 7th grade, when he was teaching us about nail care and shape.
-Ever thrown up because you cried so hard?: I once got a cough and the hiccups for a few days when my parents left me with the babysitter to go on a date when I was really little.
-Had any plans last week?: Plans for my grand takeover - they fell through.
-Who did you see most last week?: I never see anyone. Probably the girls in my CompLit final project group.
-Had you yelled at someone?: No.
-Had you gotten mad at someone?: Yes, and it won't go away until I move out of my dorm room.
-Had you cried?: Yes, but they were actually tears of joy.
-Had you IMed more than 3 people?: No. :P
-Had you gotten laid?: Not last week.
-Had you eaten anything gross?: Does dining hall food count?
Spill Your Guts
1. First thing you did this morning?: worked on my Spanish presentation
2. Last thing you ate?: String beans from the dining hall - I'm trying to retain some semblance of healthy eating.
3. Is your cell phone a piece of crap?: pretty much. It doesn't look it, but it's the cheapest model on the Verizon line. It was $10 with the plan.
4. What's something you look forward to most in the next 6 weeks?: Finishing the school year, starting my Girl Scout camp counselor job, and getting an overnight pass with Daniel for 4th of July weekend!!! I haven't been able to fall asleep/wake up in his arms in almost 4 months.
5. What's annoying you right now?: the fact that my roommate closed the blinds, turned off the lights, and basically turned our room into a dungeon so she could take a nap. Again.
6. Do you believe in long-distance relationships?: I should. All my relationships save one have been long-distance at some point. If it's worth it, then it's worth it.
Q: Is there a person who is on your mind right now?
A: After you just asked me about long-distance relationships? What do you think?
Q: Where is the last place you went?
A: The bathroom. :P But before that, class. (Oh, I'm out of class now)
Q: Who is the last person you called?
A: Julia - we had to meet to go over our presentation last minute this morning.
Q: Do you look like your mom or dad?
A: It depends on the face I'm making.
Q: Do you have any siblings?
A: Courtney and Tyler. And we're all going to graduate AT THE SAME TIME. My brother from high school, my sister from her 2-year fashion school program, and me from college.
Q: Do you smile often?
A: Aw, that question made me smile!
Q: Do you think that someone is thinking about you right now?
A: Hm, it's 3:41, so Daniel is in class. It's a possibility. There are other people who might be thinking about me, too. So I think yes. It's probable.
Q: Choose one (only one!) to have: love, beauty, or creativity.
A: Love. Everything else seems to fall into place when two people share everything with each other.
Q: Do you wish on stars?
A: I wish on them when I happen to see one of those rare(r) occurrences, like falling stars or the first star of the night.
Q: Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off?
A: When they're new. But once they've conformed to the shape of my feet...
Q: What is the most disgusting food you've ever eaten?
A: Brussel sprouts. *dies*
Q: Would you kill someone?
A: Only if they wanted me to, or if saving someone I loved required getting the other person first.
Q: When did you last cry?
A: It's sickeningly mushy. Comment if you really want to know.
Q: Do you like your handwriting?
A: Yes, actually. I spent many years in study in middle/high school to perfect my handwriting to my tastes by incorporating styles I observed from my classmates *coughNatashacough*. I especially love writing with those plain, blue, corporate office Papermate pens. They write so smoothly!
Q: Are you a friendly person?
A: I prefer being friendly. I made a new friend on the plane yesterday. His name is George.
Q: Are you keeping a secret from the world?
A: Well, some of the world. A select few know everything about me.
Q: Whose bed did you sleep in last night?
A: My dorm bed.
Q: What is the color of your bedsheets?
A: Dark red.
Q: What were you doing at 9 last night?
A: Coming back from a meeting about my spanish presentation.
Q: I can't wait until...
A: I can leave this room forever!
Q: Is Tom on your friends list? (myspace)
A: I think I just got rid of him. I forgot he was there.
Q: Look to your left. What's there?
A: My bed and the remnants of the picnic from Sunday.
Q: Do you own a picture phone?
A: Yep, but it's... of average quality. And it only holds about 20 pictures.
Q: Ever cried yourself to sleep?
A: Definitely. Last time was the night Daniel left for Basic.
Q: Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?
A: Yes, a few months ago. I can't remember which of the things it was, but it was something my roommate did to upset me.
Q: Song that makes you cry?
A: "American Soldier" - Toby Keith; "The Lighthouse's Tale" - Nickel Creek; "Don't Take the Girl" - Tim McGraw
Q: Are you a normally happy person?
A: Normally? Yes. :D
Q: Has anyone besides your friends and family ever said "I love you" to you?
A: I am so blessed.
Q: Is your self-esteem extremely low?
A: Nope.
Q: What color are your eyes?
A: Green.
Q: Long or Short Hair?
A: Long, past my shoulders.
Q: Current Music?
A: "American Soldier" and "Making Memories of Us" by Keith Urban are battling it out in my head.