
Dec 13, 2014 15:16

In fandom, I generally try and operate under a "do what you wish others would do," and since I like it when others post general wish lists they want, I decided to make my own.

general requests:
  • Clint Barton/Ethan Hunt. Of the William Brandt was Clint Barton undercover variety. As of the past few months, this has emerged as my number one (crossover) OTP. What little fic there is for it doesn't satisfy. Even a drabble of these two would make h happy. (For the record, though, I prefer more of a UST pining than outright shippiness, and in general I'm never really a fan of established relationships.)
    [If you're here to write me 1,500 words for a challenge and you wanted to see what would make me really happy... this would make me really happy. Even if you just alluded to it, I would be thrilled. Note: not including an oblique reference to MI4 does not mean I won't be thrilled, as hey, there's a chance you won't even be going with an Avengers crossover. But if you are, and you're familiar with MI4...]
    [[If you've very familiar with the Avengers and MI4 and would like to write the crossover based on that, the prompt I would have left on my sign-up were there a place for it would have been: post-movie, the Avengers [and/or SHIELD] and the IMF team are running missions at the same swanky gala. This is the first time Ethan and Clint have seen each other since Brandt was mysteriously disavowed. It's a bit awkward.]]

  • Michael/Mary. If I used exclamation points, I would be using exclamation points. I want this pairing.
    (I prefer John!Michael, because Matt Cohen is dreamy it's more 'canon,' but if you can make it work, and touch on how wonderfully skeevy it'd be, there's nothing wrong with Dean!Michael. ...and if you could make it work, there's nothing wrong with Adam!Michael. Also I prefer sexual tension to sex.)

  • Eleven/Kazran. I shipped it so hard during the special, but have yet to find any fic for them.
    (If you could downplay the fact Eleven met Kazran when he was, like, twelve, and only have him be attracted to Kazran once he's older, that would be great. Also, I would not say no to Eleven/Kazran/Abigail or Kazran/Abigail -- I prefer the former unsure and the latter tragic (and possibly unhealthy)

  • Eleven/Jack.

  • Eleven/Cumberbatch!Master.

  • Christina de Souza/asexual!Sherlock.

  • Harvey/Mike, of the manipulative, actually-unhealthy, power imbalance sort.

  • angelic knife fights.

  • Star Wars AUs, for anything and everything. Give me the worlds, give me the politics, give me the wardrobe, give me the lightsaber battles. Give me half a drabble, give me a novella. I don't care. I want Star Wars AUs.
    also: Force-choking. Force-choking is always welcome.

  • mafia AUs, for anything and everything.

  • or just men in suits. Double points for white suits.

  • also, steampunk AUs.

  • Martha Jones being the greatest BAMF in existence

a bit more specific:
  • (unrequited) Kazran/Eleven. Even though Kazran has called it off, the Doctor still comes back for one last Christmas Eve.

  • Michael/Mary. After sending Sam and Dean back to 2010, Michael stays in John, just for another day.

  • Ten+Lady Christina de Souza. He takes her as his companion at the end of the special, and they have merry adventures together. Ten tells her not to steal things. She snarks at him in French. They (can) flirt a bit, but I'd like it mostly gen.

  • Lady Christina de Souza and Neal Caffrey. Them stealing things from each other, or them stealing things together. Or them chatting about stealing things. Or them just chatting, I'm pretty easy to please.

  • John, Bobby, Ellen and Rufus retire from hunting and move to a retirement home in Miami. It's like the Golden Girls, only without St. Olaf references.

general setting likes:
  • diners
  • and/or pancake houses
  • the Star Wars universe
  • more specifically: Hoth
  • or Delta Vega
  • or other arctic settings
  • on the other side of things, deserts

things I do not enjoy in fic:
  • any sort of genderfuck.
  • non-con -- yes to power-imbalance-coercion-dub-con, no to explicitly-stating-"no."

organization: list

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