well golly gee wiz that sounds swell, leon i miss your face i watched les miz and my homeboy goes "who is that playing enjoras...hes hottt as hell !!" i was like.."ya...i know...your telling me" so i thought you should know he wants your body.. under his. ohh my. im getting graphic. thats what happens at 10 at night my ulcar gets honrny. (?) xo ♥ me
Comments 2
i miss your face
i watched les miz and my homeboy goes
"who is that playing enjoras...hes hottt as hell !!"
i was like.."ya...i know...your telling me"
so i thought you should know he wants your body..
under his.
ohh my.
im getting graphic.
thats what happens at 10 at night
my ulcar gets honrny.
xo ♥ me
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