Title: Paint Author: ienvy Fandom: South Park Pairing: Craig/Tweek Rating: PG Summary: #63 Masterpiece The Table Warnings: IT'S FLUFFY! - Because I already write enough macabre stuff as it is. ;] Notes: Written for chloegdgc
I felt the butterflies. I think you portrayed Tweeks feelings very well. I could really feel how he felt, the feelings you get when you have a crush. I think the ending was lacking a little though but I enjoyed how you put that Craig and Tweek understood each other through art. Its beautiful. I think this fic does very well as a one shot.
eeeeeee~! <--this was noise I was honest to god making the entire time I was reading this :| I swear, I'm really glad my roommates are not in the room cuz they'd be like "IS THERE LIKE A LITTLE ANIMAL IN THE ROOM OR SOMETHING
( ... )
you honestly have no idea how happy your reviews make me feel! >////<
I can't even begin to tell you how awesome it is to wake up first thing in the morning, check your mail and see a review like THIS. It's just... it's a very happy moment. I wish I could respond to everything you mentioned, but... I just can't. I find it so awesome that you're willing to take the time out to write so much.
And I'm glad I was able to make this a good fic for you. Really, really glad! =3 And Like Pinning Butterflies is in the middle of a chapter right now, it's a hard chapter to write so I'm trying to do so very carefully. But thank you sooooo much~<3
I have no idea how I managed to miss this! *flails* But it is perfect, thank you so much!
I love it! The ending was amazing! I love your writing style and your character insight with this piece and how, even being his friend for all these years, all it takes is a painting for Tweek to get inside Craig's mind and understand him and vice versa.
Comments 22
you honestly have no idea how happy your reviews make me feel! >////<
I can't even begin to tell you how awesome it is to wake up first thing in the morning, check your mail and see a review like THIS. It's just... it's a very happy moment. I wish I could respond to everything you mentioned, but... I just can't. I find it so awesome that you're willing to take the time out to write so much.
And I'm glad I was able to make this a good fic for you. Really, really glad! =3 And Like Pinning Butterflies is in the middle of a chapter right now, it's a hard chapter to write so I'm trying to do so very carefully. But thank you sooooo much~<3
I love it! The ending was amazing! I love your writing style and your character insight with this piece and how, even being his friend for all these years, all it takes is a painting for Tweek to get inside Craig's mind and understand him and vice versa.
Awesome writing!
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