Title: Like Pinning Butterflies (Nine)
ienvyFandom: South Park
Pairing: Craig/Tweek
Rating: NC-17 (just to be safe, no smut but plenty of violence)
Summary: Craig Tucker is sick. And Craig Tucker is madly, irrevocably obsessed with Tweek Tweak.
Warnings: This story is NOT for those who are easily disturbed or upset. This story is intended to
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Comments 11
Okay, done acting like a zombie. Now, let's get done to business: once again, amazing. I thought it was really interesting how, once he got Tweek, he started being so violent with him. As if Craig is thinking, now that he's mine, I can do whatever I wish to him. I thought that was a very exciting thing to do. I applaud you and your writing choices. <3
And Kenny. Kenny just doesn't die. Not really, at least. XD Ughhhh. I was kinda hoping he would stay dead for this story. Now, there's more of a twist. More things to ponder.
It's all your fault that I like Crazy!Craig now. All you fault.
Anyway, can't wait for the next installment. I'll wait patiently forever~ (And where is that elusive playlist? I can't find it anywhere.)
Of course Kenny never stays dead! Never! :o someone had to rescue Tweek - for the time being... >_>
. . . I just now noticed that I had the playlist f-locked for some reason. I thought I didn't, but apparently I'm just slow... Anyways. Here it is, unlocked (I'll probably be locking it again in a week or so, just in case...) HEERRREEEE
But yes, thank you... Really. THANK YOU SO MUCH. o_o Without you... I probably would not have just spent the last three hours of my life in my cold bathtub, writing the next two chapters obsessively. Obsessively, I tell you. Like, there really wasn't any stopping it. It was sort of scary. Anyways. I'll be typing it all up soon, so you won't have to wait five months or anything for it. =3
Ooooooooh. That's makes sense. Can't really find invisible things. I really want to listen to it, but the download is taking sooooo long. Ugh, six minutes left. ]:<
You're welcome~ <3 Well, it might have scared you, but I'm glad. Super glad! -shifty eyes- Personally, between you and me, I hate waiting five months for a good story.
So, you like writing in your bathtub? I'm penchant to the underneath of a table myself.
(YES. It just finished downloading. Oh~? Opheliac? I kinda like that song! :D)
I've been waiting for this forever.
It's so damn beautiful. Every word makes me so sickly happy. LOL. I don't even know what else to say. But the chapters end so soon! But each one has such a memorable impact. I just love crying something out like, "FUCKING CRAIG," and someone's like, "WHAT?!" And I get to say he burned someone's house down. This fic is just fun to talk about because you're not afraid to push Craig's insanity.
And and and, I think a super long time ago I recommended some songs that could go with this fic. May I do it again? LOL. It's Liar by Emilie Autumn, I thought it didn't COMPLETELY work until I came to THIS chapter and Craig's all like "Liar!" so I just just like fuck yes. If you listen to it, you should find the Manic Depressive Remix version because it has two voices that might represent Craig and Tweek... even though one of them is in German, but... it's a cool song anyhow! Very fitting lyrics and just addicting.
I'll be waiting for the next chapter fhsldjhslkj <3
Yes! I did end up looking up that song (unfortunately after I already posted the fanmix) and immediately regretted not putting it on the fanmix. It's on my Like Pinning Butterflies playlist in my iTunes library, just... not on the one on my LJ. XD
Thank you so much as always, new chapter will come soon~
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