TodayI woke up early planning to clean my room because Every one knows it but instead the whole family went bowling, Olivia om pops, cat, cath, savvy-sav alex, and your favorite; you guessed it : ME!!!
TodayI woke up early planning to clean my room because Every one knows it the whole family went bowling, Oliva om pops, cat, cath, savvy-sav alex, and your favorite; you guessed it : ME!!!
Today I woke up early, and used my brand new make up, thank God, i haven't worn make up to school in like a month... I took the mini deoderant i bought at the gorcery store last night to put in my purse and I couldn't find it!!! I took a full search of my house and it's not here!!!! so I bought a new purse today:
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Gypsum is so sweet... I went to borders tonight and i had a pretty good time ran into hannah and rob and all them then ben showed up for a second Olivia showed up and crashed it, but we went to McDonald's so it was pretty good I'm tired and the grandma's here thats pretty much it <3 night you guys <3